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Tuesday, May 30, 2006

One busy day in a busy week

One side in our 4 slice toaster had the element decide to stop working, so I returned that this morning. Only bought it in March so was happy I had kept the docket and got a full refund, which wasn't much cos the toaster was bought at half price when it was on sale. SO we have now gone back to the trusty 2 slicer that I have had for over 10 years.
Used the money from the refund to buy some fruit and veg before Elizabeth, Lucy and I went to storytime at the Library. They are still renovating (the poor storytime man said he had to go thru boxes to find books to read us) and noone knows when they will be finished.
The rest of the week is full too. Friday is MOPS and the last day for term 1 YAY, Thursday the kids are on a walkathon for school (walking to Tolosa park from school, about 5km return) and I am now about to make some cupcakes for Jessica to take tomorrow to celebrate her 5th birthday (being they aren't there Friday and Thursday wasn't appropriate). We also decided this morning, that we'd have a party for Jessica. We weren't going to, because Dave was meant to have soccer but we since found out that they aren't playing, so now we just have to think about what to do with Saturday arvo.
So you can see I found my patience again, or swapped the kids or something, today was a different day :)
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Monday, May 29, 2006

Where has my patience gone?

I'm not sure where I've left it/misplaced or who I lent it to, but it sure hasnt' been with me today :( I've felt ready to blow most of the day and when I've done things to make the day a little brighter... well lets just say it didn't :)
So we walked thru the reserve to get Megan this afternoon and I think that helped (although it also had a lot to do with there being not much of the afternoon left and Dave being home soon after). So yep today has been a trying day but when I look back at all we've done I spose we kept ourselves busy and that would have helped get us all through the day.
Yay that each day has an ending as it means the next day has a new beginning.
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Sunday, May 28, 2006


Yep 1-1. Thankfully it wasn't Uncle Samuel that scored, Dave was in goals, but they both had a LOUD cheersquad. All 4 girls would say 'Go Daddy' when Dave had the ball and 'Go Uncle Samuel' when it was his ball.
I had put tea in the slow cooker this morning, so it was nice to come home to a warm house that smelt mmmmmmm.
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Saturday, May 27, 2006

Home day

Thankfully today was different to yesterday, although Elizabeth proved she could repeat her day (one was less messy while the other was too unmentionably messier than the day before). We have had a busy but fruitful day.
Went to Howrah to pick up some tins (which I hope to scrap). I got them thru an offer on freecycle, an online recycling group that is worth joining! If you go to http://www.freecycle.org/ you will be able to find one in your area, or start one! Grocery shopping, home for lunch, I went thru my tins while Dave pruned the fruit trees, Jessica picked up the sticks for Dave, I dug up the rest of a patch of artichokes, I went thru the freezer to see what meat we had, reorganized it and took some of the ice out, Dave cooked some frozen apricots (which were then baked in a pie) and thru all of that the beds were stripped, sheets washed and another 3 loads of washing (thanks Elizabeth)... Felt like more but thats it I think!! Megan tidied her room, a challenge she saw needed doing while Jessica and Elizabeth 'reorganized' the sunroom, then cleaned it before tea ;) Lucy likes being able to point her bandaided finger at people. Well thats our Saturday :) Hope yours has been a happy and fruitful one too :)
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Friday, May 26, 2006

Freaky friday

We were nearly ready to walk out the door for school when Jessica got Lucy's finger caught in the bathroom door. I thought the top had been cut off, it looked like it was flapping (sorry if thats too graphic), so I rang Dave and got him to come home. I wasn't coping with having to deal with her screaming and having to try and fix a flappy finger (the forte have a lot to answer too!). Anyway, it had just cut thru part of the nail and cut the finger. So while dealing with that and waiting for Dave, Jessica gave Megan a fat lip. All joy :) Then the rest of the day consisted of Elizabeth wetting herself while standing on
the coffee table part of the other lounge and Elizabeth doing the other thing in her pants.... gee I am getting into deatils aren't I!!!
Other bits just made the day interesting :)
Tea was yum though:
So I for one am glad it is the end of another week and hope that our grocery shopping tomorrow prove to be uneventful and Dave's soccer on Sunday be ummmm painfree (even if they are playing against Uncle Samuels team!!).

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Thursday, May 25, 2006

All clears

I remembered to phone the Dr (YAY ME) and Megan's test had come back saying she didn't have an infection and Jessica's physio appointment went in the same vein, she was happy with Jessica and didn't want to see her again. So yipee to all that!
Not much else, that pretty much took up the day, we had lunch in the carpark before going in to the physio, didn't make much sense coming home for 5 minutes.
Night, may all your bed bugs be tasty ones :)
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Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Oww and more PMM

Yesterday, putting Lucy in the car to go get Jessica, I hurt my back. Thought it would get better. But when it was time to get up this morning I asked Dave to stay home as there was no way I would be able to do things today. So the wonderful man that he is did :) Went to the Drs and was given some celebrex and forte, which have helped a little and I hope will do more tomorrow. Tomorrow is a busy day, have to take Jessica to a follow up physio appointment in the afternoon. We were referred last year as her feet were a little turned in. Jessica loved playing on the mats and doing the exercises the physio had for her. So we will see how that goes.
Dave picked Megan up and stayed for her after school sports, got told he was weird and Megan promptly said all her family was :) Noice :) She had made a card for me at school. It contained her neatest writing ever and then she read me all of "Green eggs and Ham" PERFECTLY. Made me have another Proud Mum Moment :)
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Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Proud mum moments

When we went to school this morning Jessica's teacher mentioned that the Kindy's were showing some work in assembly. So we stayed to watch, they did a really good job. We left not long after that as Elizabeth was eager to move ;)
Then when Megan came home we found out that she had been awarded a 'shining star' award in assembly. So I am very proud of my two school girls :)
Megan went to visit a friend after school today. She started in Megan's class a few weeks ago and lives right near school with her mum and twin 18 month old sisters. So we went there about 3.30 to pick Megan up and all our girls just made themselves at home.
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Monday, May 22, 2006

No monday-itits

Was lovely to have Karina and her boys come visit this morning. Was only a little visit and not much nattering to be had but it was great to see them again and the girls enjoyed their visitors. Hopefully we will be able to get together and scrap one day, would love it!
Other than that, took Megan back to the Dr.. Her medication had finished so she had to give another wee sample for tests. She was such a brave little soul, he made her hop up on the bed to feel her tummy. I thought she was about to crack and start hollering but she braved it and was wonderful! So after going to Medicare we went thru some of the shops to find something under $5 for being brave. In the end we got a hairband thing ($3ea) that you can use as a band or a bandanna, I got one for me too. When we got home she found a new computer in her room (Dave's old work one) and was thrilled and even more excited when she switched it on and Daddy's voice was there telling her to switch it off. Dave has recorded some things on it and set it to play when the computer does things. Turning it on has Dave saying 'turn the computer off Megan', turning it off he is saying "come back here, hey come back here... close the door Megan'. It bamboozelled Jessica, she didn't know where the voice was coming from, Megan, on the other hand, loves it and proclaimed Dave to be the best Dad in the world!
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Sunday, May 21, 2006

Challenges and computers

Finished this layout of Elizabeth last night. I found it very challenging, it took me all week to complete. I used colours I wouldn't normally and I really wanted to emphasis the photo. The photo itself was taken of Elizabeth laying down, but I turned the photo around as it looked 'more right'. So now I have completed it I LOVE IT, really happy with it.
On the house front, Dave pulled my computer apart last night, we were up till midnight. He bought his old one from work and was planning on giving me the old harddrive and adding more memory. But then after logging on here tonight and things weren't working just right he has pulled it all apart again and I am now back to my old machine with everything back the way it was.
We went to Mum and Dads for lunch, to pick up the girls, and they had cooked a leg of lamb. Yum, I love lumb (love that new add for lamb too hehehe). So now we are all back under one roof and looking forward to the new week.
There was a message on the phone when we got home. Karina is coming around in the morning, all being well, to have a look thru my scrapbook stuff as she is keen to start. Yay I can pass on the bug!!
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Saturday, May 20, 2006

Not much to say...

other than the girls are at Mum and Dad's for the night. Got to watch Dave play soccer (I think they won 5-0 but not sure if the score is right). Raked the leaves in the backyard this morning, there aren't many left on the trees now so it will be one of the last times they get raked YAY.
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Friday, May 19, 2006

PJ day

We went to MOPS this morning where the kids had a Pyjama party. Megan was disappointed not to have come with us, but the others were VERY excited about going. Is funny how it took us longer to get organised this morning than any other and they didn't even have to get dressed!!! So we left home a little later than usual and had lots of comments about the little people in their PJs, dressing gowns and slippers.
We had a lady from the Red Cross come and talk about first aid. We ended up spending all the time asking questions, mainly how to do stuff, and it was really interesting. Came home, changed the girls into day clothes and then went back to school to give Megan her medicine before coming home for lunch and a little sleep for Lucy before returning to get Megan from school.
Dave had a meeting before finishing work today. He has to apply for a position, now his graduate program is about to finish, so he has to decide which he wants to look at and apply.
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Thursday, May 18, 2006

Cross Country and Christenings

I just have to share, just so it has been written somewhere in history, that Lucy was the first to Christen our new house :) Thankfully it was wee not vomit!!
Ok, with that out of the way!, Megan had her cross country today. We went a little earlier to get Jessica so I had time to go give Megan her medicine. I was proudly shocked to see her with a 2nd place ribbon on! This is from someone who likes to walk not run, isn't feeling 100% and couldn't care less about the cross country!! WOW, she did an amazing job and has now caught the running bug. I bought her some new sneakers today, her other ones had split along the bottom, and she put them on and ran aound the house saying they made her run faster. She also stretched her leg up to put her foot on the bench, proclaiming that she could do that now with her new shoes! She even offered to lend them to Dave to help him run faster at soccer training tonight, he told her he only needed to run slow anyway ;)
The test results came back all clear but the Dr wants to do another one when she has completed the medication. Going by todays efforts you would think she is getting better!!
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Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Sagas and sunsets

Home from picking up Jessica, lunch and just put Lucy to bed... phone rings... its school... can you come pick up Megan... get Lucy out of bed... pile into car... get Megan... home again :)
Made a Dr appointment (they made room for us as they were fully booked) and Dave came home a little early to stay with the other 3. Anyways, she has a viral infection, her glands are up and he said those glands are also found near the belly and so come up and down and cause the belly ache. He also tested her wee and has sent it off for more tests, it looks likes she has a urinary tract infection and if so we will be off for an ultrasound to check her kidneys are ok.
So some answers but sigh :) She doesn't like school, well she doesn't like the way some of the kids act at school, so its been a hard time for her and hoping that once she is feeling a little better she will be more on top of school too. Is hard seeing her go thru it as I hated school after we moved, another reason it was such a huge decision for us to move in the first place, but it had to be done sometime and better now than later me says!
Just have to share these photos I took of the beautitful sunset tonight. One photo is with the flash on and looks VERY red, the other is flashless (hehehe) and the sky looks more blue than it was.
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Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Drills, spills and thrills...

Megan almost lasted the whole day :) Phone rang at 2.30 to say she had been feeling off all day, so I said I would come and get her, I was about to head off to school anyway. We got there to find the sirens blaring and everyone outside for a fire drill.
Elizabeth got to eat some of a chocolate bunny today, she finally did a No.2 on the toilet (after 4 days of holding in!!). So we are very proud of her and hope it continues!!!
Completed this layout of Megan, Jessica and Elizabeth last night. I used a pair of Elizabeth's jeans, they had holes in the knees (had gone thru all 3 girls!), and I am pretty happy with how they now look on the layout! Dave fixed my sewing machine, hopefully for the last time, so I used it and did my usual sewing thing, if you look carefully you will see the puckering! Loved making the flowers and am going to make some more tonight and put them on cards.
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Monday, May 15, 2006


The morning was a busy one. Allison came to visit this morning, with the 6 kids she was looking after and Megan came home at Lunchtime. Having Allsion visit was great, it meant Jessica and Elizabeth had people to play with and they enjoyed that! THANKS ALLISON!
Megan still isn't 100%, although she is eating a little better and more pink than white in the cheeks. Heres hoping tomorrow is a better day as she has an excursion for school. They are walking around and seeing what there is in their community.
The library is closed for the next 2 weeks, they are renovating, so we might go to one of the others for storytime.
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Sunday, May 14, 2006

Presents, cousins and cupcakes

Happy Mothers Day to you all!! I have had a lovely one, thanks to all involved!hehehe
I received things that Megan, Jessica and Elizabeth had made, some PJ pants and some paper and ink for my photo printer.

The girls were reading some books this morning, and one had a cupcake recipe. So we made a batch to take to Mum and Dads. I am always amazed with cooking that you can go from:

to :

The bigger 3 enjoyed helping and all had a turn to decorate.

We then left to have lunch at Mum and Dads. We had a little more time with Loretta and Makayla, which was nice.

Megan hasn't been feeling well, tummy bug, so I'm hoping she is better tomorrow and noone else catches it.
Will leave you with 2 photos that I hope make your day a little warm and fuzzy. A flower, just for you, and poor Lucy who fell asleep on the way home, but was too cute not to photograph! awww

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Saturday, May 13, 2006

Grandma and the girls Posted by Picasa
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All tuckered out

We have had a lovely time with Grandma, we didn't want it to end!!
Dave arrived back with her at after 10.30 Thursday night, while showing her around some of the house Megan woke and was pleasantly surprised. After getting cuddles from Megan we heard Jessica awake and she was also happy to see Grandma thru her sleepy eyes. Supposedly Elizabeth had the same reaction when told by Megan in the morning. Friday we spent the day around home being entertained by 4 eager entertainers. Uncle Samuel and Lousie came for tea Friday night, tea was chinese and yummy. Another late night before our last day with Grandma. Samuel came at 9 to take her to see his place and she was back her in time for lunch. Dave went to soccer after 11 (score was 1 all) and by the time he got home around 3 we had had a change of plans. We were going to drop Grandma at the bus terminal to travel to Launceston, but Uncle Pete had rang and we ended up driving to Ross and meeting him there. He then took Grandma on to Launceston. So we were home again before 6.30 and bought Hungry Jacks for tea, to the delight of some little people ;)
I've been told I can sleep in in the morning, we will see :)
Happy Mothers Day to all for tomorrow!
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Thursday, May 11, 2006

Busy Day

but pretty typical. Dropped Megan and Jessica of at school, grocery shopping, home to unpack, morning tea for Elizabeth and Lucy, put groceries away, washing on the clothes horses, back to pick up Jessica, home for lunch, Lucy to bed, stack dishwasher, clean up, back to pick up Megan and home again...
Other than that... Grandma arrives tonight, YAY, till Saturday. We have made up the spare bed in Jessica's room. Megan and Jessica became suspicious so I said Daddy was going to sleep in there, he said it was because of all the bottom noises. Jessica said yuck so I said I would sleep in there instead. She went to bed saying she didn't want anyone to sleep in there. She will change her mind in the morning when Grandma is discovered beneath the sheets!!!
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Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Visitors for tea

and they were yummy... no, ok!! Mum, Dad, Loretta and Makayla came for tea, they only left a little while ago. We had a lovely time with them all, sorry no photos to share.
Have got a cold and feeling pretty yuck. Dave came home early and took Jessica and Elizabeth to get Megan and then stayed on for Megans after school sport. Spent time on the couch shivering under a blanket. Icky!!
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Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Precious Life

Have had several reminders of how precious our lives are today. So about to get deep and meaningful so if your not ready for it....
Was humbled to hear of the heriocs of Beaconsfield this morning. How amazing it was to have not one but two people survive such traumatic conditions. It sent goosebumps all over me to hear they had been able to walk out.
Then on sad news, to have a close friend of Mum and Dad's been shot today. He is a police officer and had pulled over a car. At the moment he is in ICU listed as critical. It was upsetting to hear that it had happened and then to have Dad ring to say who it was, I just can't fathom the utter senseless-ness of such a violent act. I could go on and on, it is something that has always eaten me up in thinking that it might have happened to my own father, but I just wanted to say that I wish for people to take hold of their own lives, love someone, find good in everyday or to just hold your head to the sunlight and soak up every ray! Don't sit back wishing things were different, get on with what you have and be thankful.
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Monday, May 08, 2006

Much needed haircut day

all the girls had one this afternoon. The photos aren't that good (the girls had had enough by then), but you get the idea!
Lucy had her first haircut. She was more interested in what the others were doing to be fazed.
We got the name of this lady thru Mum. She runs the business from her home and she only charged us $20 for the 4 cuts!!! Not bad seeing as we were paying close to that each!!
So now they can all see again and I will have to find something to do with my hands, as I am now conditioned to wiping the hair out of their eyes!!
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Lucy Posted by Picasa
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Elizabeth Posted by Picasa
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Jessica Posted by Picasa
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Megan Posted by Picasa
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Sunday, May 07, 2006

pictures say it better

So I will just show use a few :)
Finished the layout of Lucy last night:

Daddy was jumped on, as usual, here he is with the littler ones, Elizabeth isn't showing off her tonsils, she is being serverly tickled!

While the big ones read a dicitonary!!??
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Saturday, May 06, 2006

Dave's team won 1-0

Thought I would get that out of the way ;)
We spent the afternoon at Mum and Dad's with Loretta and Makayla. The girls absolutely swamped Makayla and loved her to pieces! Got a few photos, but these two are the better ones, they are of Makayla and Lucy.
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Friday, May 05, 2006

Can't believe its Friday!!

Might as well end the week with another day title. It just hasn't seemed like a week has gone already! It has flown by so quickly I'm not sure I had 4 sleeps since Monday!!
Went to MOPS this morning, was really nice to see people who I hadn't seen for a while. Jessica and Elizabeth really enjoy going to Moppets and its great knowing they are having fun. Lucy stays up with me, I can't part with her just yet ;), and she was really good as usual.
Mum and Dad called in this afternoon, to pick up the car seat and some winter clothes for Makayla. The girls all went feral when Mum and Dad pulled up. Mum had bought some dolls from the op shop so they got to play with them.
I started a layout of Lucy lastnight. Not sure if I will finish it tonight, am feeling a tired and don't know if I can be bothered thinking about it. painted and stamped my own letters, for the title, and am really happy with how they look.
Dave's playing soccer tomorrow lunchtime at Kingston, so we might go to Mum and Dad's for lunch and see their visitors.
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Thursday, May 04, 2006

Dirty day

The day started like this! Well not quite started... as we left school...the front door of school...big mudhole that Elizabeth is always asked to stay away from... big puddle that Elizabeth always veers towards... splat!!!
Funny thing is that, almost to the day, 12 months ago I came home, from picking up Megan from school, so I was gone not 10 mins, to find the clean girl I had left with Mum and Dad, looked like this!! The excuse was that she was helping dig potatoes.
She has always liked dirt!! Looking back at the photos, she must be due to go up a dress size, the photos of a year ago all had her in what she is wearing now.
So after changing her, we went to the scrapbook shop to get some paper (kinda essential for scrapping!!) as I am struggling to find anything that I can use with what I have left.
Not much else... Dave's probably freezing by now, soccer training. Lucy's in bed singing, glad Elizabeth goes straight to sleep and sleeps through anything.
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Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Wet Wet and more wet!!

A lovely cold, rainy, thundery, windy day.... sound like winter?? Felt like it!!! Everytime we went out we got wet through, still trying to thaw my bones :)

Not much else, Loretta and Makayla come home Saturday and then Thursday Grandma arrives YAY!!!

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Tuesday, May 02, 2006

I have a 3 year old again!

The day started early, 5.15 Elizabeth and Lucy were nattering. By 6.30 the girls were all in our room with Elizabeth opening pressys. Grandma and Grandpa gave her a lovely doll, Granny and Grandpa (Dave's grandparents) gave her some money (which I told them we would use to let her loose in a lolly store... not lol) and we gave her a mini hokey pokey elmo.Im not sure what was wrong this morning, but Elizabeth was sooky, pale and very out of sorts. I gave her some panadol after 9 and she was rosy cheeked and back to normal after that.We went to storytime at the library and the usual school things.We had finger food things for tea, mini dim sims etc. She loved it!! Jelly for a cake, was really bad idea with candles!!! Photos below :) HAPPY BIRTHDAY ELIZABETH
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The dolly spent most of the day left on the floor. When she opened the box she loved it but then something happened and she didn't like it. After we got home in the afternoon she gave it cuddles, pretended to feed and change it. So whatever it was that she didn't like about it.. its gone! Posted by Picasa
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Elizabeth didn't like Elmo to start with either, but she loves the hokey pokey so she was soon won over! Posted by Picasa
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Wobbly Jelly cake, the candles were just about to fall! Posted by Picasa
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Monday, May 01, 2006

A monday that felt like a Thursday

Not sure why but it did. Not much out of the ordinary today. Went to a parent meeting at school this morning. They discussed what is happening while the Principal is away on leave. Didn't learn anything there :)
All in all thats about it. Elizabeth's toilet training seems to be stagnating, in every sense lol. She just doesn't like using the toilet. One plus of that today was she asked not to use the training seat, at least she asked! Think Dave and I need to go out to celebrate when she is fully trained! Is on the exhausting side :) Funny how Megan and Jessica just clicked and were fine, Jessica more than Megan (who sooked for a little while but got there), and Elizabeth is just so different.
Ah well, still smiling!!!
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