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Tuesday, November 25, 2008

I Won't Save It For Last

I will start with another sneak peek of what I made with the December kit for Scrap-n-Crop

managed to get some scrapping into my day today, used my Sweet Spuds kit to make

Tomorrow Dave's Aunt, from Holland, arrives. We haven't met her before and looking forward to having her stay with us. She is in Australia till the end of December and staying with us most of that time, between travelling around. Dave's Dad is also coming to stay with us tomorrow, till at least the weekend. We are having Opa's 60th birthday party on Saturday. December is already chock-a-block full with school things. So I'm guessing I won't be online or scrapping much, as I know I will be struggling to find time for anything other than what the calendar presents us with. I will see you some time and hope it's not too long between visits :)
Ciao for now :)

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Don't be discouraged

Reposting this digi layout as I don't think it worked properly the other day :)

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Monday, November 24, 2008

Love That They See The Love

Dave was already home when we got home from school this afternoon, Megan said "I think he is home early so he can spend time with Mummy".

Speaking of Dave... The prompt for One Little Word is Energy. After a little thinking I came up with this,

Dave is an Engineer so I played on words to create this page with a little help from an envelope, love to reuse those!

Will leave you with another sneak of what I created with Scrap-n-Crop's December kit, out on the 1st.

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Sunday, November 23, 2008

My pal Miss Mel shared this and I loved it so I'm gunna share it too ;)

Not much about our day, Church this morning where 'kids church' came into 'big church' to sing some songs and this afternoon we went to a family BBQ for Dave's work.

My online pal Phin has tagged me
1. go to your pictures
2. upload 4th picture of 4th folder
3. post
4. tag 4 of your friends
So the photo would be that of Jessica, taken Feb 2004

and I tag

Mel and

Will leave you with a sneak peek at one of the things I made using the December kit for Scrap-n-Crop

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Saturday, November 22, 2008

He Bought Us A Wombat!

Yep, meet our wombat :)
Thursday our van started making noises, hinting it was in need of some sort of repair.
Dave's car is well past it and we have been talking about getting a second van. So today was the day, he took in his car and traded it in and came home with our preowned wombat.
Thankful for the extra we have been repaying on our home loan.
Thankful for our bank being open on a Saturday.
Thankful for the car sales man giving Dave something for his car, we thought we wouldn't get anything lol
Thankful for a car yard that even had a van, seems they are a rare find!!
Thankful for a new car, with enough seats for all of us, and not having to figure out how we get all of us from A to B.

Apart from the ummm excitement of a new car the day was spent around home. I scrapped this page of Dave aged almost 2.

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Friday, November 21, 2008

This morning I switched on my computer to find it was broke :(
So I spent the day cleaning!
Yesterday Dave bought a new bookcase, we now have 4, and today I found every single book in the house and now they all have homes.
Also, because the morning was fine, I mopped, vacuumed and cleaned cleaned cleaned.
Thankfully Dave was able to get my computer to rise from the ashes so now I can share with you this, that happened last night,

which left her with just one tooth to wiggle instead of two,

and then this that happened tonight

all with a little help from her big sister who seems to enjoy pulling out teeth!
Megan then said that Jessica looked like a rabbit.... hmmm maybe a non-rabbit rabbit lol
Well it is now wet outside, been pouring most of the afternoon, so looks like tomorrow will be another inside day.
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Thursday, November 20, 2008

Give Me Time and I Will Use It!

Today it's been wet and gloomy but it was a day around home so we spent it around home :) Yesterday I received my My Sweet Spuds kit, am thankful for being able to buy such an awesome kit, and today I pulled out all sorts of things and played.

Close up of what I am calling Hambly Corner ;)

One of the things I love about Hambly rubons is the fact that you can use the 'packaging' on the rubon sheet too.

My attempt at corsitry ;)

and for some reason I just had to staple everything!

As soon as I saw this piece of Pink Paislee paper I knew what I wanted to do

Then I 're-found' the diecuts that I had received when I bought some tags from MayThird on etsy. I think they are perfect ;)

That's all from me :)
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Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Give Me Paint In My Lamp...

The new prompt is up at The Creative Type. Knew what I wanted to do for this one, just had to find time to get it done. Prompt 7, Painted Words

I broke my paintbrush, while washing up, so I just added it right onto my page :)

Another day out and about today, a bit of home time tomorrow and, for that, I am thankful :)
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Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Fluffing Up My Feathers

because I am so proud of all my Chickees!!

Today was sports carnival day for Elizabeth and Jessica, Megan had had hers earlier in the year, so Lucy and I went to watch. The both did really well, I love that they get, and I mean really get, that it isn't about winning, getting ribbons or any of that, its about getting in, having a go and above all that having fun. So today I was proud of them for doing just that but I was also over the moon, want to cry type of proud of Miss Elizabeth. You see for a kid who has only just learnt to jump I thought the sack race was going to be a huge challenge, instead today she showed me that it was a huge triumph!! THIS LITTLE CHICKEE CAME FIRST IN THE SACK RACE!

and even when she fell, which wasn't till the finish line, she STILL had a huge grin on her face, love her so much for that!!

She also ran 4th in her running race, 2nd in the egg and spoon and 3rd in the hold-hands-with-your-partner and run race.

Then this little Chickee ran so fast her legs didn't even touch the ground, see I have proof ;)

and came first in the running race, first in the sack race and got two 3rds for the three legged race and the frog on bat race (instead of egg and spoon. Was too windy so they used a table tennis size paddle and a beanbag type frog instead).

Megan also had a proud Mum moment. She won a colour in contest that was run for National Science Week. She won a dynamo torch and the teacher gave her the class certificate to bring home.
Much needed boost to that little Chickee's ego even though the torch came home broken because she had had it out in the playground :)
And then this little Chickee was so good this morning!
She sat and watched all the races, without complaining too loudly and did a great job of staying out of the way when the kids ran. Doesn't happen often,lol, so it was really nice to see today :)
Was a gorgeous day to be out watching the kids run around and was lovely to see them all have fun.
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Monday, November 17, 2008

Moo Cows and Mobilo

Busy Day(s)
Busy Week(s)
Busy Month(s)
Another one crossed off the calendar

Dave pulled this out yesterday

and someone has played with it ever since, even went to school and pulled out a box full of it at Kindergarten

Makes me smile to see her little fingers working with the pieces, love watching her do things that will help her muscles get stronger and her motor skills improve.

Made this layout today, with a photo from last year

I told Allison today that I was having a break from glimmer mist... I shouldn't have opened my mouth so soon!

Love the hambly stickers from Love Scrappin'

and Smiggle stickers just make me smile!!!

And with that, folks, I am off, outta blogland :)
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Saturday, November 15, 2008

Sweet Saturday

It started early, well early as in normal time at our house, just after 6am lol.
For those concerned about Megan's hair, it washed out just fine. I hadn't teased it, just sprayed hairspray through it, lifting as I went, so it just need washing out and wasn't knotty. Jessica still had pink eyebrows today, hehe, but I got that off with some moisturiser.
Today we have had on and off rain, up till dinner time then it poured and still is, so we had time in and outside. Bits of gardening, planted some more seeds today. The girls did this

while Dave did this!!!

Yes he pulled out our Christmas lights, so now the decorating has begun! Tree etc won't happen till December but the outside has been started!
I started wrapping some Christmas presents today too and made this canvas for my sisters youngest daughter who is 1.

Also made my December Daily album, see post below :)
Something else that was on my to do list was to take photos of Jessica. Dave's Grandparents celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary in January and Dave's Mum is putting together a photo book and needs photos of each of the girls and of us. Now while I have really good photos of Jessica I don't have anything as current as the other girls so today I rectified that.
she really wanted to make a heart shape with her hands, I think she has been looking over my shoulder when I have been reading blogs and seen other people do this. Either way I love these photos ;)

and with that I am off to email Grandma with some photos :)
Seeya :)
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