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Saturday, February 28, 2009

Love Scrappin' Sneaky Peeks

Just a quick post while the girls watch Flushed Away.

Here are some sneak peeks of what I created with my March Kit for Love Scrappin'. The kit should be available Monday for $12. I made 4 layouts, YES 4, with this kit.

Butterflies are still a fixation and a part of the March kit.

The last page I made was with scraps but I didn't have to add much more than cardstock.

Hope your weekend is smile filled :)
I'm off to make pizza for when Dave gets home from soccer. Going to try this base recipe
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Friday, February 27, 2009

We Are All Different

and one of the things I love about being a parent is watching the different ways kids develop and learn. Lucy is 4 and can spell her name and has just shown us that she can also spell Elizabeth's. She can write L for her name and that's it. She can identify most numbers and letters and today sat at Dave's computer and we talked about the numbers, letters and the sounds those letters make.

Whereas on the other hand Elizabeth said today that a kid at school said that she talked differently. So we talked about how yes she does talk differently but we were getting help for that and that her muscles didn't know how to make some sounds so it will be lots of practice.
Jessica just read her home reader book and blew me away with how well she comprehends bigger words and does so well with her reading.
Megan came home tonight with a note, from her teacher, in her homework diary. It said "Thank you for your hard work and positive contributions to our classroom". I am so glad, and now teary, that the change of schools has bought our wonderful daughter back, that the teachers only sow positive stuff and that we reap by having such a positive kid.
Yep I love how they develop and learn.
Ok. With that out I just have to write that this week I have felt unusually down. I am putting it down to being bored and feeling blah. Bored as in I haven't felt like creating, when I do I don't enjoy it. I have tried reading books on creative stuff and it hasn't helped. Wanting to try new stuff but just not feeling enthused when I try. Anyway I am just writing this, not to moan or dwell but rather because I have something to give you all. Giving lifts my spirit so I am giving you this Lily. Dad gave it to me the other day, when we were there, and today I photographed the new flower that had opened.

Ciao :)
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Wednesday, February 25, 2009

She Declared it "The Best Birthday Ever"

Until it was time to go to bed and then it wasn't the best any more lol.
Our princess, Miss Lucy, turned glorious 4 today

Opening the presents, she got cash, a doll, a tshirt, a pair of shorts, some puzzles and some glow in the dark stars.

The cake had to be pink and the Dora was an added bonus!

Her she is in her new tshirt, can you read that Grandma??!! and no she isn't saluting she is holding up 4 fingers :)

We spent the morning at my Dad's, visiting Poppy. Both he and Lucy loved it ;) After that Lucy and I went to spend her birthday money, purchasing another dolly, one that makes noise as well as moving her arms and legs when you squeeze her belly, and some dolly bits and a toy nappy bag that came with all sorts of cool dolly things ;)
We went to McDonalds for dinner to round up the "best birthday ever" before dropping Megan off at Guides.

This afternoon I finished off the canvas, that I mentioned in yesterdays post. So will leave you with close ups and photo of that :)

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Tuesday, February 24, 2009

A Good Day To Be Inside

Today has been cold, wet and dreary. Had the heater and the lights on today! Such a contrast to yesterday's warmer day! But that's Tasmania for you!!

Because of the weather I got some puzzles out for Lucy to play.

She enjoyed having them to herself, when everyone was home, after swimming, the puzzles were devoured lol

I haven't felt like scrapping in a while. Nothing is exciting me at the moment, lack of something new and inspiring, lack of time, lack of want... So today I sat myself down and just played about with the glimmer mist a while and made this page

Then I pulled out a canvas that I started and put aside months ago. Its now sitting waiting for a layer of Mod Podge to dry before I see if it needs anything else. Hoping that by playing that I can get the desire to create back, will see how that goes :)

Was really excited to read about something new that is starting 1 March. The Scrap Review!

and as promised some sneaks of the second kit that will be available at Scrap-n-Crop 1 March.

Tomorrow Miss Lucy turns 4. Wednesday is normally a busy day, with Megan going to Guides, so we are switching things around for Miss Lucy. Having the cake at breakfast time and dinner at the requested McDonalds, she thinks its going to be a party even though I have told her a zillion times that it isn't we are just eating it!
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Monday, February 23, 2009

Let Them Eat Cake

Today Lucy and I made Apple Tea Cakes.

I misread the recipe, added 1 1/2 cups of milk instead of 3/4 so we made double the recipe. This made 2 round, 2 heart shape (as I didn't have any other tins deep enough) and 7 muffin/cupcake-y apple tea cakes.

She loved putting the apple on and kept saying, oops I got it on me... lick!!!

She also had to wear her apron, kept saying I should too and even said she wouldn't get messy when I said to step back when I added the flour!!

Once the cakes were cool I sliced them and bagged them up to freeze for school lunch boxes.

Something else Little Miss Lucy did today, was this, with my coffee cup

Wanna see some of what I made for Scrap-n-Crop??? There are 2 kits for March, here are some sneaky peeks from one kit.

The kits will be available 1st March. Will show you some sneak peeks from the other kit tomorrow :)
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Sunday, February 22, 2009

Now That She is 10...

Before she turned 10 Dave had told Megan that he would show her how to mow the lawns when she was 10. So today was the day.

First the safety talk

then how to turn it on

then how to push

and then away she went

Mum has also told her that she can learn to use the sewing machine when she is 10, so that is Mum's job when she returns. When Megan visited Grandma she was shown how to use the iron, just love that other people are able to input into her life in such ways :)

Today has been a day around home. So after a slow start to the morning I made Brunch for us all, scrambled eggs, bacon, baked beans and Dave made some small sized pancakes.

This afternoon Elizabeth had a birthday party to go to. So we made a card

and had a nice afternoon, she didn't want me to go and I was happy to stay. While I was away Dave washed the dining room curtains. They were filthy! Little hands have walked past many times and left all manner of grot on them, ie yoghurt, tomato sauce etc!! So now we have nice clean curtains again :) Thanks Dave.
And that was our Sunday. Today was the National Day of Mourning for the Victorian Bushfires, remembering those who lost their lives in the bushfires of 2 weeks ago, remembering those who have lost so much and also to remember those who are still fighting the fires.
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Saturday, February 21, 2009

Some Squiggles and Some Soccer

Dave played his first soccer game of the year today.
New club AND he got to play on the field rather than in goals.
He played most of the game and did ok, well from where I sat he seemed to lol
The won 3-0 :)

Today Elizabeth started on the tasks that her Occupational therapist set her. She is meant to do 10 minutes 5 days a week. Today was the first time, think we are a little behind! She made a good start so we will see how it progresses.
And that is about it, so I'll love you and leave you, as my Mum likes to say :)
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Friday, February 20, 2009

1 Tent + 5 Aprons = Happy Days

Today has been dreary, dull and sometimes wet.
So I pulled the sunshade out of the garage, set it up in the lounge room and made one little girl happy!

She also got to play on Daddy's computer, making her happy too!

Dave had a trip up North today.
He called in to see his Mum, who has been staying with his Grandpa. She flew out today, back to Victoria, so it was brilliant timing. Dave was given somethings that had been Grandma's. So each of us girls were given an apron. I happen to love this little red one that is reversible.

and the girls love theirs

Megan especially. She has taken hers to hang in her room. She still gets sentimental at the thought of Granny.

Elizabeth just loves aprons as she loves anything related to cooking AKA food lol

And Lucy got the animal one and loves it

I was meant to go with Dad to a cousins wedding tomorrow. Mum is still with my sister so I was going in her place, but Dad is sick, again, so we aren't going. Dave is now playing soccer tomorrow afternoon so the weekend has been filled back up again :)
Will leave you with my favourite photo from today, we had fun taking it :)

*edited to add*
Thanks everyone for your comments on my previous post, I appreciated your comments. I often blog and then wish I hadn't bared so much of myself, but glad you respected my vulnaribility and got what I was talking about!
Dear Anonymous who likes my music... THANK YOU :) It's nice to know someone likes something I do lol but also that you liked it enough to come back. Hope you don't stay anon for too long :)
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Thursday, February 19, 2009

I am my own group

That's what a friend and I discussed today lol
We talked about how we wondered if we have lots of 'groups' of friends whether our kids will too.
She tossed into the conversation the fact that I don't have one group of friends that I am 'tight' with, that I have many circles of friends and I suppose that I am happy being my own group ;)
Now don't get me wrong, I do have friends, just not a group that I 'hang with' all the time. There are people who I call real friends, people from different circles and I guess my closest person, the one who gets me completely and knows everything about me is Dave. I don't think there is one friend out there that knows everything about me. For instance if you asked them what my sisters name was or even what my birthday is, you would be hard pressed to find a friend who knew. But I find things like that important, so always have birthday's on the calendar, and try to pay attention to the little things that go on in people's lives. I'm not being high and mighty in saying this, just found it an interesting observation that she made. I do get lonely, not having 'tight' friends but I am happy with who I am and so it doesn't usually bug me. I don't like cliques and I am friends with everyone, even if it is only to say hello and smile. I have always been someone that will talk to those who get ignored, and always ready to say hi to the 'in' crowd. I don't like division and I do love being friends to all. I don't have a 'tight' relationship with my family but would defend them and be there with the drop of a hat. My wish is that people would accept people for who they are, be kind and always look in the mirror before they pass judgement. Be the friend that you would want to have.
I want our girls to grow up being happy spending time with themselves, being their own friend and allowing others to see the good friend in them too. I hope that they follow their own heart and become their own person. So it means that they become their own group then so be it! What makes me smile is watching each of them and already seeing glimpses of this, they are become young ladies who include and watch out for others, young ladies who will stand up for things that are right and good and young ladies that I already admire because they are their own group :)
Ok enough brain mush and drivel, just had to get it out and re-reading it I don't think I have put it down the way I wanted to but it's there now...
yesterday my little helper and I made choc chip cookies

and they were good!!!!!!!!
Last night Megan had her first Guides for the year and Dave had a game of social cricket, through work, so I took Jessica, Elizabeth and Lucy to Hungry Jacks before we went back and collected Megan, who chose to have KFC for dinner, no surprises there!!
I also scrapped this page yesterday

Did you see the American Crafts Rubons?? Megan loves this 'stereo' one

Today Lucy and I went visit my pal Kanina before coming home for lunch and pottering around home. Dave was home when we got back from the school pick up, yay, and had coffee awaiting, yay again!
Will leave you with this photo I snapped of Lucy today. She was busy playing picnics all by herself and I just loved watching her.
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