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Saturday, October 31, 2009


The lovely and amazing Julie Kirk asked if I would take part in a Trick or Treat blog party to celebrate Halloween, for the Copy+Paste blog that she runs with oh so talented Kirsty Neale, and of course I said YES!!!
Now we don’t do the Halloween thing here but I do love dress ups and the orange and black colour combo is one that is hard to walk past, so I thought I would twist the Halloween theme my way a little and scrap a page about the recent dress ups that Megan and Jessica wore for the disco they went to at Guides


Looooove stripy leggings so these rubons from Making Memories were ideal


and these, mmmmmm


The alpha stickers are from Smiggle and for $2.50 a  packet, with 2 sheets of upper and lower case, I think I will be finding my way back to the new store that’s opened in town :)

I cut up some Sassafras Lass paper so that the monsters were looking out of this haunty house rubon


add a broomstick ;)


and some journaling


and because you have been so lovely and visited my blog click here for a little treat, courtesy of the lovely Copy + Paste girls, Kirsty and Julie :)  Thanks, to you both, for including me in your blog hop, you guys are inspirationally amazing!

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A Quick Update

to let you know
This little lady

is back home, yay :)
Her temp had been down for 48 hours so they were sent home yesterday
Hopefully it’s all good from here on, thanks to all who have been thinking of them, praying for her and for your support, it’s been appreciated :) :) :)

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Friday, October 30, 2009

If you look Up What Do You See???

It took me a while but I got there
I took this photo back in January, when we went to Launceston via the East Coast
I knew what I wanted to do with it I just hadn’t been inspired to create it
So when I spied a challenge at Scrapz.biz to make a layout, about a place, I knew it was time to pull out the photo and document my first home


I used scraps to make the page
Love using a combo of papers


the journaling


and I will leave you with this photo of Elizabeth
Each night the girls get to have something from their showbag and tonight Elizabeth choose a sour lolly dippy thing, it has lollies, sour jelly and sour sherbet to dip the lolly into, she made a sour face just for the photo, love it ;)

Thunderstorm just started so I am off to sit and watch the lightening :) :) :)

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Thursday, October 29, 2009

I Prefer Strawberry…

Spent the day around home today
Hanging with the Schmuz

Enjoying the glorious sunshine
Drinking lots
Taking my Cold Combat tablets
and not much else
Oh yeah, created this for round 3 of The Scrapper Of Oz competition at Scrapz.biz


Made a ribbon flower with some velvet ribbon, followed the tutorial found here


Scenic Route chipboard circle on top
Also used some Scenic Route alpha stickers over the top of a cut up supermarket catalogue


and the journaling, cos I really don’t like grocery shopping…


And because it’s been a glorious day we went outside after dinner
And we threw a frisbee around while the sprinklers did their thing on the new lawn,

yes they all got wet but seeing as we were coming in for bath and then bed it didn’t really matter :)

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Wednesday, October 28, 2009

A Man About The House Again

and that’s GOOD!!!!

As predicted I am getting sick, sore throat etc, so guessing I’m getting what everyone else has had, blah!!
No real news from Mum, but seeing as her phone calls come after 9pm there might be a change then, waiting waiting waiting :)

Scrapped this page quickly this morning, for a challenge at Scrapz.biz, before heading to the airport to get Davie Babes
For this page, I used the Studio Calico October kit, except for the Scenic Route lettering and ‘today’ chipboard circle


I used a black sharpie pen to outline the alpha stickers


I used some foam tape to lift the last ‘GO’ photo and here is a close up of the journaling :)


And now I am off to nuggle my man, cos I can :) :) :) :)

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Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Sometimes I Feel So Little

Sometimes life seems to turn the throttle on to full tilt and someone removes the handbrake
That’s how life is right now
This little lady, our 2 week old niece,

was admitted into hospital on Friday and has meningitis
Please think of her often and pray for her, her Mum and Dad and all that love her

Dave has been away for the last 2 days, back tomorrow HOORAY, and life here has been busy
Took Lucy to the Dr yesterday and made appointments for Elizabeth and Jessica to see the Dr after school today
Jessica and Lucy are ok, just have to wait those things out, while Elizabeth is now on a long course of antibiotics, in hope that it clears some of the fluid off her ears as the poor kid is ever so slightly deaf
She had her hearing tested a few weeks back and it was down then so will finish this course of medicine, get her ears checked again and if the fluid has gone we will get her hearing retested and hope for the best

So as you can see life has pushed us into the express lane and no sign of letting up
Today I really felt the distance thing, the fact that Dave is so far away, that my Mum, sister and her girls are so far away and that my brother, sister in law and new baby are also so far away and there isn’t anything I can do to change any of that

But when things get me down I pull out my camera and try to capture some of the things that are good in life
And when I feel overwhelmed with the bigness of situations and feel start feeling small in comparison, I try to see the small things, the things that get missed, things that make me happy, seeing ordinary things in a different way
Like water falling onto the new lawn

Like the new raspberry buds forming to make delicious fruit in time for Christmas

and when I feel down, I spend time in the sun with a rabbit

I watch her take life by the hands and give it a good shake

and then I come to realise that life can stand still, just for a moment

and by capturing that moment, I don’t feel so small any more

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Saturday, October 24, 2009

Let’s Go For A Hike

said he
So we packed some water and an apple each and went hiking
Here’s a clue…

Yep we didn’t go to your usually hiking venue lol
We surprised the girls and went hiking around the Royal Hobart Show :)
We weren’t going to go but Dave caved and we had a wonderful time, spending the day seeing all that there was to see at the show
Like wood cutting championships

Lots of animals

the girls made a plane each

we ate some doughnuts

had some faces painted 
A Butterfly

and a puppy dog, who isn’t sad just tired :)

ate some dogs on sticks while watching the horse jumping, ps Jessica had her face painted as a pirate, in case you wondered why she has a black eye, its a patch :) :)

a little pony riding

watched all the people who were screaming on crazy rides

had some dodgem car fun
Starting their engines

and their off

and they had fun

Yep that’s my kind of hiking ;)
And that’s day 3 of our 4 day weekend done and dusted :)

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Friday, October 23, 2009

What The World Needs Now…


This is what I made for the second round of the Embellish This competition at Scrap n Craft With T

For this new round you have to make an embellishment, used to decorate the outside of your gift wrapping or card, or on a layout
You have to use red, white and green and use wire

So I made this canvas as my embellishment and here it is with the wrapping/card, I re-used packaging from some Prima flowers


and included the easel in the back


Another sunny day today
Dave’s Dad left today and we spent it around home or out doing some to-do list things, like getting Dave a haircut, taking library books back and going to the hardware store for a new axe handle, hose fittings and fertilizer for our new plants

Will leave you with our new garden friend that Elizabeth brought home with her from our Garden Centre trip yesterday :) :)

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Thursday, October 22, 2009

I Like To Sip Coffee In The Sunshine

And watch a man make a lawn

yesterday Dave’s youngest brother gave us the left over lawn he had from his lawn renovations
So today Dave’s dug up some of our backyard and put in some new lush looking lawn :)

Elizabeth helped me pick out some plants at the nursery and I spent a lot of time out in the garden

Tomatoes, spinach, lettuces, spring onions… lots more… also bought a passion fruit, to replace the one that I just pulled out because it had rotted, and 2 blue berry bushes because I looooove blue berries :) :)

Dave and his Dad were watching soccer on telly tonight so I thought RIGHT!! I am going to scrap
So I did
And because Round 2 for The Scrapper of Oz comp was posted this morning I got right onto it
I scrapped a 8.5x11 page so I could scan it and not wait till morning, the downside of scanning is that I don’t have any close ups
But here is my page :)


Journaling, in the bottom corner, says “But thankfully it’s calorie free!”

So Day 1 of our 4 day weekend has come and gone
Here’s hoping a sleep in accompanies Day 2  :)
Ciao :) :) :)

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Wednesday, October 21, 2009

How Do You Tame Lions???

Watched Spicks and Specks tonight and WOW Megan Washington has an amazing voice!
Just thought i’d tell you that :)

Finally made this page today, it’s been waiting, nagging me, since her swim carnival


Glad I added her ribbons to the page, because every other year she has kept them and they could be ANYWHERE now and this way I know where they are and so will she in years to come


and the journaling :)


Tonight Megan’s Guide group held a disco for Jessica’s group
They had to dress up as something beginning with G or U or I or D or E or S (as in GUIDES)
So Megan decided she would go as a Girly Girl, because she didn’t want to go as a girl… go figure…
And Jessica went as a Witch, Izzy the Witch cos that starts with I and she could ???
So dress up they did and off they went for a fun time :)

Tonight we have Dave’s Dad, aka Opa, staying with us
Tomorrow is show day , so a public holiday, YAY
Friday is a student free day, YAY
And Dave has those days off too, BIGGER YAY :)

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