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Thursday, September 30, 2010

Now Is Greater And I Know That

I had so many things I wanted to say about this page
So many insights into why I made it
So many thoughts I wanted you to get
and now I go to write them down…
Yep not one of those thoughts are there
I can no longer put into words what I wanted to say
So I will just share what I have, start writing and see what you ‘get’
and hope you 1. get something and/or 2. get what I wanted to say


Inspired by a quote that I read on Denise’s blog


What I love about quotes is that what you get from it isn’t always what someone else gets
I love that quotes can mean something to you today and something else tomorrow
The ‘spark’ for me today was the cracks
Everyone has cracks in their lives
We can try and ‘fill’ those cracks
Try to fix someone else’s cracks
But I have learnt that you can’t change people
I’ve learnt that people will make ‘cracks’ in their lives
I’ve learnt that you can’t change that
What you can change is your own life
You can step away from the cracks and be yourself
You can to let those cracks be, let them go because you realise they aren’t your cracks to deal with
You can live differently
You can rise above those cracks
You can shine

I’ve been pondering this journaling, for a while
Wondering how I could put it into words
Wondering how I could put it on a page
So today I stopped wondering and created


I used My Minds Eye papers, which wasn’t thought out… it just happened that way
Lovin’ the new Such Sweet Tierney chipboard buttons


and these puffy thickers are in such a great font,”Honey”, love how they ‘fit’ together :)


I am loving that our days are getting longer
This afternoon, after school, the girls wanted to kick a ball around outside
So we delayed cooking dinner for a while


Elizabeth and Lucy kicked the ball around for a while, with Dave
Jessica mucked about


Megan thought it was too cold and not cool enough (HA!) so came back inside
As for me…
I just love him and all he does


oh and yesterday Lucy and I were sitting in the car at school
waiting to get the girls
It was raining so we were putting off getting out
Lucy spied this fella


a kookaburra
What was funny, though,
was that Lucy was shocked that I had my camera
and then tonight, when Megan saw this photo, she was surprised that I had a camera in my bag too!
I was shocked that they hadn’t figured out that I carry it with me everywhere!!
My goodness what planet have my girls been living on??!! hehehe

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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

I’d Rather Be A Forest Than A Street

It’s been wintery here again

Yesterday Lucy and I hung out with the M&Ms (and their Mum)
Went to kinder gym
Treated them to some Maccas for lunch
Then they played some more
Today was a day around home
Scrapped this page


It didn’t go how I was hoping it would go
But the stories there now 
On paper :)

Used various Studio Calico paper and stickers that I have been hoarding


Been such a long time since I pulled out my paint
Well it seems like a long time
Cos I have no idea lol
Just seems that I have lost the ‘thing’ that paint would bring
Not sure how to regain that ‘thing’
Do you get that??
Do you do that too?
Do you ‘loose’ your ‘thing’ sometimes???
What do you do to get it again?
Or do you just do without it?
What a lot of gobbly gook this would be if you didn’t understand what the heck I was talking about?!
please tell me someone understands my gobbly gook!! lol


and some hidden journaling


it’s hidden cos that’s how it ended up
But the story goes…


and that’s that
Glad this part of the week is over and hoping the run up to the weekend is kind
oh and a little warmer/drier would be nice too :)

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Monday, September 27, 2010

Your Mother Should Know…

Today Lucy and I attended our very first cyber crop
We had fun!
She enjoyed seeing people from the other side of the world
and I think they enjoyed seeing her too lol
She made this page, the one on her left


and I made this page


It was raining when I took the photo so excuse the water drops :)


The journaling


I tried my ‘pleating phase’ with a doily off cut


Chipboard buttons from Such Sweet Tierney
Oh and today I spied


the first of our greengage blossom
Yay :)

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Sunday, September 26, 2010

Seriously Delicious

Was the Lemon Delicious that Dave and Elizabeth made
Was one of the recipes in a book she brought home from school
I’m not a big lemon dessert fan but oh my this one was good!!
It was like a thick baked custard bottom (giggle) with a thin sponge top


and speaking of that little chicky…
Elizabeth went to a birthday party this morning
this was her just before we got out of the car


Excited much??!!

While she was there the rest of us went to check out a new local market that has started up
and speaking of markets
I made this


about our Farmers Market we visited last month


Love this birdy from The Girls Paperie and just had to add some stitching :)


I made this layout from scraps and added these chipboard button milk caps, that have been sitting on my desk for forever!


and this pleated bit??
Is paper
and easy peasy to do
Put down a line of double sided tape, where you want it to go
Then, starting at one end, place a section of the paper, add a crease then a straight bit, then a pleat etc
The paper is easier to manage this way and you will be able to get a straight line
I like using a finger space between pleats :)


Boo to the end of the weekend
It wasn’t long enough!!!!

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Saturday, September 25, 2010

Time To Put The Feet Up

Today we cleaned house
And I think we did a mighty fine job
Some worked harder than others
But the house (except the poor old sunroom/toy dumping area) is clean
You can see the floor in all the rooms!!!
Hopefully it will stay this way for more than 24 hours lol
So because today has been a productive day I will share with you a page I made a while ago


Chipboard buttons from Such Sweet Tierney


I even used the ribbon that they were wrapped in ;)


and the story that goes with the photo :)


Coffee is made
Butts on the couch
Time to wind down :)

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Thursday, September 23, 2010

How To Chase The Glummies Away

* Kidnap your husband from work
* Take him dress shopping and find a dress to wear to Brother-in-law’s wedding
* Buy a dress which turns out to be the most expensive piece of clothing you’ve ever had
* Buy some lunch and eat it in the car while chatting to your kidnapped husband
* Return said husband to work
* Text husband to say “Tell me when you are leaving work so I can make us a latte”
* Finally stopping and photographing something amazingly cool, that you see everyday you travel to and from school


Just a few things that have made my day a little less glummy
Yay to those few things :)
Yay to chasing glummies away :)

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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

What If Sunshine Could Dance…

Played along with Pencil Lines and sketch 205


The journaling


Love the Fabric Ripstrips from Studio Calico
A simple case of stick, finger space then pleat and look what you can make!!


and finally cut into the Periodical paper I had been drooling over
Added Hambly clear sticker that had been floating around my table for yonks
And it’s all sweet :)


and I just had to share 2 other things…
I made myself the best ever latte tonight
I had a slipper go through the washing machine today
Just a single slipper
Was Lucy’s
She had dumped all her washing in the machine, after she got back from her ‘holiday’ at Mum and Dad’s
Seems she missed something!!!
It washed up ok
Not as good as the cow from Monday!!

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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Nutella In The Microwave For 45 Seconds, On Medium, Makes A Yummy Choc Dip :)

As I was making this layout today
I was thinking that I should share a couple of tips with you
So I will :)
And hope you might learn something new
Or be reminded of a technique that you haven’t used in a while
Or none of the above but your happy to amuse me and read along lol
First up…
The layout :)


and the journaling


Ok now on to some tippy tip tips


see the heart??
It is an epoxy sticker
Instead of sticking it to my page I stuck pattern paper on the sticky bottom (insert giggle at sticky bottom)
I then cut off the excess paper
Used a nail emery board to sand back to the edge
Inked around the edge
added the heart pin
and there you go.. almost like new for old or something :)


Here is another one I made
A circle
But I cut this sucker in half, as I do :)
And see the pink pattern paper on top?
Was actually a paper pocket that I cut up
And the white doily/pink paper?
Was also a pocket/envelope
The bit seen below was the flap


and the little purple “happy”??
Also cut from one of those them there pockets :)
Love making something into something else
Love making things S..T..R..E..T..C..H!
Look at products and see them in a different way
Give them new life :)
All the papers, epoxy stickers etc are Grace Taylor products 
See the tag below?
It’s a sticker :)


Another quick tip…
When you use dymo tape add some double sided tape to stick it down
Why would you do that when the dymo tape is adhesive I hear you ask
Well you are right it is
The tape doesn’t stay sticky for long and because it is stored in a spiral it usually lifts from the page
So to stop all that happening a little piece of double sided tape goes a long way to making life a :) one :)

Ok that’s all
As you were lol

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Monday, September 20, 2010

Today I Washed A Cow In My Washing Machine!


He was in Elizabeth’s pyjama pocket
She keeps ‘special’ things in there
Found the poor fella as I was hanging out the washing

PS have you seen this??? :) :) :) :)

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Sunday, September 19, 2010

YUM I Can Almost Taste Them

Can you??


Our apricot tree is blooming and oh it looks so good!!
Looking forward to these gorgeous flowers turning into yummy, juicy and delicious apricots in a few months time
Hoping we get a few more than last year and then I might get some jam :)
Speaking of Jam, they performed at Church this morning
There was a part where they choose 4 boys to go get their Dads and 4 girls to get their Mums
They choose kids who were joining in
I sat there saying “please don’t be me PLEASE don’t be me” hehe
knowing, full well, that Jessica was up there doing all the actions lol
So Jessica and I ended up on stage doing some air guitar
FUN :)
All the girls loved it and we even bought the CD and DVD
so Elizabeth, who was holidaying at Poppy’s house, could partake in the fun too :)
Which she did :)
Oh and I scrapped this afternoon too, after we got home from lunch at Mum and Dad’s


I used the Elk Lake Add On kit from Studio Calico


and added some Kaiser pearls for some added red :) 


oh and some hand stitched crosses here and there
The journaling :)


Tomorrow school goes back
Boo Hoo to no more holidays
They have been busy and it certainly hasn’t been a wind down time

I made these for the girls to play with over the holidays


You can read more about them here on the Banana Frog Blog
and till next time
Thanks for visiting :) :) :)

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Saturday, September 18, 2010

What The Room Needs Now…

is a hanger
So today I made one


I used bits from the Miss Matryoshka kit from QTea
The brocade paper is just gorgeous and was perfect to start the hanger


coated the cutout doll with some dimensional magic to protect it and give it longevity, she says in hope lol


So the painting is finished and Dave has made a start on putting her wardrobe together


She is back in her room tonight
Tomorrow, in amongst the running around our Sunday is bringing, we will tackle the rest of the move in
Dave has the drawers on the cupboard to finish off and we have a whole lot of sorting to do
Fun lol

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