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Friday, September 08, 2017

"Melbourne Calling"- Jot Magazine September 2017 Mood Board

I loved putting together the mood board for Jot Magazine.
Some gorgeous photos to inspire you in September.
Inspired by the feel of travel I made a page about Melbourne.

I painted the frame to fit the colour combo.

And gave a bit of a colour wash to the paper.


Could do with a holiday about now!
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Friday, September 01, 2017

"Fantastic 12"- Kraft Plus September 2017 Challenge

The Kraft Plus challenge will have you buzzing. 
I added some yellow ink to some Faber Castell Whipped Spackle,
Which gave my lines some awesome texture.

I altered some cork numbers, from Crate Paper.

Added some black paint to the honeycomb looking chipboard from Scrapmatts.

Added my journaling.

 Hope you find some inspiration and make like a bee,
Getting busy and creating something.
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