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Thursday, January 29, 2009

And Now We Are 6 :) :)

We waited at the airport for the 16.35 flight from Melbourne

and then she arrived, I think she was happy to be home. Is that a skip in her step I see??

and glad she is :)

Thank you Grandma for Megan's wonderful holiday!!

In other news, I was awoken, this morning, at 5.44 by Lucy watching telly because 'she couldn't sleep', we had been and done the grocery shopping before 9am, I took the girls to get their haircuts and then an icecream because they had been so good

Some sneak peeks at what I created with Scrap-n-Crop's February kit

The lovely Ronda had asked me to do two prompts for One Little Word and the new word is Living. I found it so inspiring I created 2 pages!!! This one

and then this one that I used for the site.

Ok so that's my Friday and now we are 6 again :)
And I am thankful for family.
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Wednesday, January 28, 2009

How Sweet It Is...

To feel loved.
The uplifting Lisa recently awarded me with this

Isn't that a cool award!

Here are the steps:
1. Say one nice thing to the man in your life: I love you and am thankful for the friendship, partnership and kinship that we have.

2. List at least 6 ways you measure success in your life: Everyday if I can inspire someone, if I can teach someone, if I can say hello to someone new, if can I smile, If I can make someone else smile and if I can get through the day and still want to do these things again tomorrow then I feel I have been successful.

3. Assign 5 other blogs this award:


And then I was happily surprised to receive this award from Dalis. I was thrilled to bits because I don't know Dalis, she reads my blog and thought me worthy of receiving this award that she came out of 'hiding' to tell me. WOW, thanks Dalis and thank you for commenting thankful that you have found my blog and humbled that you think I am worthy of such a gorgeous award!

So like Dalis, and because I can't find the 'rules' for passing it on other than passing it on to 5 people, I am going to award it to people who may not know that they inspire me.

Belinda what can I say, love reading her blog, her real, down to Earth-ness and her scrappy stuff just makes me want to scrap more!

Crystal now this woman started out by inspiring me with her creativity but has since gone on to inspire me as a person. She has been through an amazing journey and has been gracious enough to share parts of it and I am inspired by the way she has handled the situations she has faced and in awe of her love life attitude.

Theresa just amazes me with her creations. Love what she does and how she does it!

Debra takes amazing photos FULL STOP! I read her blog and want to take photos

Sandra inspires me every time I see her comment or that she has been to visit my blog, wish I could hug her in real life!

Ok so now I have passed on the love and feeling so much better for it, here is a page I made today. It's of one of our nephews, Dave's middle brother's youngest, Memphis.

Been using up some of my older stash as it's been dragging me down, so I have turned that around and made it inspire me instead, feeling good to use it :)
Elizabeth had a physio session today, she did REALLY well, proud of her. So we keep on with what we are doing and go back in 2.5 weeks and will have an occupational therapy session then too. I dropped the other 2 girls off with Dave, while we went, and he ended up leaving work and going and buying thick shakes, which we had because he had just got them when we finished.
Megan is home tomorrow, yay, hopefully she will have a fun time on the plane ride home and then we will get to see all the photos she took, hear all her stories and give her a big BIG hug :0)
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Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Aqua Sky

Yep that's what it was in this photo, unedited.
Today Dave went back to work and had soccer training tonight, in hope of finding a new club to play for.

The Creative Type's new prompt is up, Retro font. Go check it out, there is a VERY cool prize, and here is my page

Today we spent the afternoon outside playing with water. First we washed some dolls

and then played under the sprinkler.

and then I took some photos of my wet rabbits :)

I have added more photos to Flickr if you want to see more :)
2 Sleeps till Megan comes home. Hope you have a really fun Wednesday Megan and don't get too hot. LOVE YOU oxoxox
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Monday, January 26, 2009

I am amazed how much the garden has grown. I took this shot on the 13th and look at it now!

Today was just a random type of day. Sunshiny outside time,
a visit from my pal Siska who now resides in Western Australia :(, a trip to the supermarket for meat and milk, a trip to the chemist to get some antihistamine because Elizabeth got stung by a bee, Lucy wandering around the house with a red bucket singing 'I'm going to Grandma's house' because she thought she was little red riding hood... I think she got the story a little twisted there somewhere lol

Dave and the girls washed both vans. It doesn't happen often so they had lots of 'wet' fun. Now before you view these photos I would like to say that we don't have water restrictions here, our van can't fit onto the lawn AND the water that you see running onto the drive then goes into a drain that goes straight out the back and onto our back lawn. We are thankful to live in a State that has rain and, even though we haven't had a decent amount in a long time, thankful for water storage AND we often think of those that aren't as fortunate as us and have water restrictions year round, like Grandma.

While Dave and the girls did that I started a couple of layouts.

and that's our day, very random indeed. Something else random... I'm about to go join Facebook. Always said I wouldn't, like I need another thing to be doing online.!!, but Siska is going to join and I soooo want to have more contact with her this year so I'm off to become a facebooker, ahhh!!!
PS Megan, I am glad you had a wonderful time with Grandma today and I hope you have a great Tuesday too. Love you :) oxoxoxoxoxo
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Sunday, January 25, 2009

Ode to Tiredness

Why do you beckon at times when I have so much to do?
Why do you call me when my day is so full?
Why do you weigh me down when I need to feel free?
Why do you not leave me so I can rid my mind of the list of things I want to do?
Why do you feel so heavy when if I allowed you in I would feel so light?
Why don't you go find another body to play with and leave mine in peace?!

I will not let you take over my day.
I will not let you change my plans.
I will not let you take my freedom!
I will not let you stop me from doing the things I want to do.
I will not let you burden me any more.
I will let you go so I can live.
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Saturday, January 24, 2009

After I did this...

(chatting with Megan online)

and while he did this

I made this

Some close ups for you

See where I used my new punch??!!

And today... we spent some of the morning checking out local garage sales, bought the girls some 'stuff', including something for Megan, here is a sneak peek for you Megan:

The rest of the day was around home, doing whatever... Snapped Lucy doing some of this

Funny story...
We had a blowfly in the house today, nasty pest! Anyway Dave was trying to catch it, so we could feed it to Fang the Venus fly trap, when Elizabeth went rushing out of the room saying something very inaudible. Anyway she came back with the McDonald's things, that we had bought for her at a garage sale, she loves anything cooking... ok where was I, oh yeah.. she came back with the McDonald's toys and said "maybe these will help. The fly would see them, think they were real, land on them and then we could catch him!"
Slightly amusing and precious, don't you think??!!

I scrapped this double 8.5x11 page today too

The journal spot and the scallop edge are made from packaging off a packet of MM lettering.

And speaking of recycling and before I go, head on over to the Queen and Co blog. They have their CHA release announcement but WOW what cool ideas they have had in regards to going a little green, for this I stand and clap!
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Friday, January 23, 2009


My new word! It was the word verification on a blog I just commented on, like it??
Wasn't going to blog...
But seems I have?!
I just spoke to Miggy Wiggy Poo Poos on MSN
darn you webcam why can't you work when I want you to?!!

Spent some of the day with friends, aka SamuelBradley, aka Karina and her boys.
Spent some of the day in the garden

The people over the road are having a party
A LOUD party
A party where kids are out on the road rollerblading....


Seems I am spilling randomness onto this post...

adding new songs to my playlist
still have room for 59 more songs....

Dave is fixing Christmas Lights
Christmas Lights that a lovely person decided to try and nick off our house...
Phoolies to them!!!
they didn't succeed
Phoolies to us!!!
but they did break the wires, grr
Dave is fixing Christmas Lights while watching the cricket.
Love you Dave

If I could paint my life with one colour what colour would it be?

Can you tell I am tired????

and out :)

PS Megan, I love you and hope your Saturday with Grandma is FUN FUN FUN!!!!!
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Thursday, January 22, 2009

The Weather

was a good excuse for staying home and indoors today!

They were predicting hot and windy. Windy it was REALLY was, hot... not so much. It got rather warm but because we were inside, out of the wind, we didn't feel it. It got so windy that Dave pulled the net on the trampoline down and even tied it down, there was a time when it got a little airborne!

This morning we spent some time sorting these

Each of the girls have gone up shoe sizes, in a blink of the eye! Elizabeth has even gone up 2 sizes, skipping a whole shoe size! So today we pulled out all the shoes and sized them all up and now we are ready for the new school year... well sort of lol still 3 weeks to go.

Tonight we had our 2nd phone call of the day from Megan. She is having a wonderful time, shopping and haircut today, and we all had a chat with her

poor Jessica had a bleeding nose part way through her phone conversation

Today I scrapped this quick one of Dave.
That's about it, love you Megan and hope you have a fun time at Fairy Land :)
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