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Thursday, October 27, 2011

I Recommend Biting Off More Then You Can Chew

Today’s post is all about learning something
Are you ready to learn something??
Do you want to?
But to start with I have 2 things to show you
is this

is this


but more on those later
The two are related
sort of
They are related because
they are both here


So the first thing I showed you…
this is the story that goes with it


and the second thing I showed you
did you see it?
here’s a little close up


more about that?
Back in June, while in Brisbane at the Scrapbook Expo,
the lovely Debbie and I were discussing the new Paper Tape that had just hit the scrappy market
I said how we could probably make our own, being the thrifty person that I am lol
Well, this week Debbie experimented with some craters tape and paper
She printed off some text and was generous enough to send me a sheet
and that’s it there, on my page.
Inspired I thought I would make some too
Here is mine


and here’s how I made mine


I used plain old everyday masking tape and a cut off piece of transparency
I put strips of tape on the transparency


and simply used Microsoft Word to print out lines of numbers


and dots


I also ran tape on the back and printed on that side too
I wondered if my printer would pick up the paper, given it was smaller than A4, but it did
I’ve found the tape comes off the transparency better than the paper
I’ve also found that the ink doesn’t dry very quickly on the tape and will smudge off the transparency
So to overcome this problem I used some paper towel and lifted off the excess ink
Still have to get the text to line up with the tape
and I’d like to print a pattern but I do like numbers
and I also have a few more ideas of things I could do using this technique

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  1. What a great technique! I never thought of doing this and can't wait to try! Thanks for sharing . . .

  2. Hey wow!!! I'm thrilled you got the tape, and that you even used some right away, :-0!! Your red numbers are COOL and very inspired. Think I will also try your horizontal technique next! BTW I read a good tip from Fran Tynan, who uses this technique. An easy way to get the text to line up on the tape, is to print first on paper (or transparency) then stick the masking tape over the print and feed it through the printer again. Then you know exactly where it's going to print!!

  3. OOOh Sharmaine!!! This gives me an idea!!! I have permanent ink and STAMPS.... Lots of them!!! Trying it this weekend, thanks for the inspo!!!

    And what a great how to...I'll have to try that also! : .)


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