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Monday, October 17, 2011

My Angel Wings Were Bruised And Restrained

Monday, 17 October 2011
It could have been an ordinary day
With school runs and washing
But there were a few things that made today unique

* On the way to school, this afternoon, I saw Father’s Christmas incognito.
   He was wearing a 2 piece grey tracksuit and waiting at the bus stop.
   Very good disguise Santa but you didn’t fool me!!

*  I finished typing up the journaling (see yesterday’s post)
    which was good because it also meant I could finish this page


seriously bananas!


got my ziggy on with the sewing machine


and the story, that brings the page alive


*  I made a batch of sausage rolls
    chicken mince, carrot, bbq sauce and cheese
    easy sausage rolls
    might have the cheese ratio a little off still
    but they are still a winner!


*  I fixed the car radio well I didn’t really fix it, it fixed itself… somehow!
    Not long after we bought the car, 4+ years ago, Dave broke the radio well he didn’t really break it, it just stopped working… somehow!
    So we have been radio-less since then
    Today I was looking at it, as I drove home from school this morning,  and I thought the LCD screen looked different
    so I pushed the on button and WOW it worked!!
    Told the girls I fixed it
    When Dave got home, from work, the girls bragged that I had fixed it will let them think I did for a while!

*  Jessica finished a little project she started yesterday
    I was impressed that 1. she started it and 2. finished it so quickly
    She had a kit but all the pieces weren’t in it so she cut the bits that were missing
    She did it all by herself and didn’t ask for help, other than rethreading the needle a couple of times


So that was my day!
How was yours??
What did you get up to??
What made your day unique??

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  1. oh wow..very nice indeed to document something like that...we have plenty of bananas over in Malaysia and it is cheap. Yummy sausage rolls!

  2. oh oh.. you crack ME up.. seriously.. and a SUPER dooper woot WOOT to you for fixing the radio you rock LADY.....

    and must say i LOVE your shippin tag thing.. and sorry but have been using a few lately... sorry in advance for when you see them.but i have been crediting you... lol.. eek...
    oh happy days....

    ps.. i'm not a huge fan of bananas so the price isnt worrying me ..but i do understand your pain.

  3. I love this! I think it's great that you documented such an every day thing, but one that is impacting your family! Lol! And that teddy bear is SO cute! She must be really proud of herself! The time and effort that went in to that little guy is fantastic!


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