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Monday, October 31, 2011

Your Footsteps Will Always Fall Here

With October drawing to a close
I thought I would quickly create something for the October Aussie Scrap Jack challenge
I chose Mandy Dodd’s gorgeous page to scraplift


I used a photo of a candle holder Megan made at Guides recently
From Mandy’s layout I “lifted” the grey cardstock, used the same rose ribbon (which I had in yellow)


and kept a similar design
although I added some pattern paper strips


also kept the white pen journaling and buttons


Loved the inspiration to create, thanks Mandy!

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  1. totally love the way you flipped the design and added your own strips...colours are fabby and what a gorgeous pic and journaling... Thanks for playing along with scrapped jacked!

  2. this is gorgeous thanks for playing along with us at sj.

  3. Love the distressed strips! And the colour scheme!

  4. I LOVE the candle holder! The color palette you chose is gorgeous! Thanks for playing along with Scrapped Jacked!

  5. How cool is the strips of paper sewn onto your LO and the sweet yellow rose trim!!!!
    You have done a beautiful job of Jacking Miss Mandy last month at Scrap Jacked...thanks for playing and hope to see you back this month.

  6. The colours are just gorgeous. Love it!


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