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Wednesday, February 29, 2012

It’s A Spotty Kind Of Day

I hit the hat trick today
I’ve never had 3 sick kids home from school together
Till today
A viral infection with no symptoms apart from spots
The spots are slowly clearing up
So we will see what other days of the week get dissolved this way
Today also saw my first layout up on the Greatest View blog


You can read more about my close ups here






and here is the journaling close up


So much to love
My second page goes up on Friday
So stay tuned for that
Oh and the washi tape isn’t from Greatest View, that’s from my much loved stash

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I’m Stuck On You

I recently received a pack of Picture Hanging Strips from 3M Command™ Australia

I put together a little video on how you can use this rather handy product



If you have any frames or pictures to hang
I recommend searching for these because they sure do the job really well.

Disclosure: This is not a paid sponsored post. I received complimentary pack of Picture Hanging Strips, for review purposes, and all opinions expressed are purely my own.

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Monday, February 27, 2012

Spinning, Laughing, Dancing To Her Favorite Song

Yesterday was another hot day
We filled the afternoon with some water slide fun


You might remember the Billy cart?
Same hill
This time with some black plastic and water
Made for a fun day
*Note- Mum and Dad’s property has water from a spring so the water restrictions don’t apply
AND all water used went straight into the garden*

Today you can find me here

Greatest View

The gorgeous Gail emailled me a little while ago and asked if I would be the first Guest Designer for her products
I was honoured and had loads of fun playing with the Greatest View goodies
On Wednesday and Friday you can check out the pages I created for Gail

I created another page, using some bits off my table or close by


The background was created with the excess paint from my last layout
The gorgeous resin flower is from D-lish scraps 


The Jenni Bowlin chipboard numbers are in a Cocoa Daisy add on kit from February


The gorgeous Chevron badge 


and the kraft tags are from the Greatest View


Can’t wait to share my Greatest View creations with you all!

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Saturday, February 25, 2012

We'll Be Waterlogged, But We Won't Mind At All!

Today started with some bike building

Some Birthday Bike building

Because today a little lady turned seven

she requested a ‘pool party’
So Dave blew up the blow up pool
We invited Uncle Samuel (Dave’s Brother), Aunty Louise (His Wife), Poppy (My Dad), Mashir (My Mum),
my sister and the M&Ms (my sister’s girls) and had a barbeque lunch.
It was a super hot day
So everything got super hot too
Even the chocolate bunny, on her cake, started to melt

So she ate it with no hands

We all had a good day
and for the record
Everyone got a little wet
Some more than others!

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Thursday, February 23, 2012

Bobby Wants A Pair Of Skates

Life is getting back to normal
today I helped out in the school canteen (big day again tomorrow)
picked up the groceries
Hang the washing
Folded 2 loads of washing
School drop offs and pickups 
Life is getting back to normal
I scrapped this page today
Using the Chevron Crafters Workshop stencil again
This time with a “Red Pepper” Adirondack Paint Dabber


some buttons from Chic Tags 


some buttons from Such Sweet Tierney 


and a couple from Prima 


all helped to tell the story


Life is getting back to “normal”

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Wednesday, February 22, 2012

I Keep You On My Mind Both Day And Night

A little more chevron play today
Using The Crafters Workshop stencil again
White cardstock
the blue is excess from another page (so the reverse image of the stencil)
Then I used the stencil to apply some texture paste over random places on the stencil
then sprayed over the top with red
Love the texture
Used a Chic Tags Chevron Month Tag
and backed the photo with some Jenni Bowlin packagaing
Pulled out the trusty typewriter for the journaling
They’ve been back at school for a week now
We seem to have found a good routine for the 2 school drop off/pick ups
Hopefully the smiles will continue
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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Yes, It's A Good Day For Singing A Song

The March Cocoa Daisy kit should arrive on my doorstep this week
so today I went to pack up my February kit
But I couldn’t do it!
I was inspired all over and just had to make another page
So I did!


I used the Crafters Workshop chevron stencil again (cos I love love love it)
But this time I used a Jenni Bowlin paint dabber to add the “Lemon Drops” yellow
Love the texture


Layered up some of the Crate Heart Border Stickers
then added some pieces, that aren’t in the kit
The alphas and flair, from American Crafts 
the October Afternoon farmhouse little flyer (from the Dec kit)
is topped a studio calico sticker


I love the resin flowers from D-lish scraps, sooooo much!


and finally the story…
“The Mig” is the shortened version of a nickname I call Megan…


Might pack up the kit tomorrow
or maybe not
inspiration might hit again
and who knows where that will lead!!!

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Sunday, February 19, 2012

The Sun Is On My Side And Takes Me For A Ride

Do you like leftovers?
Our fridge barely sees them
but my scrap table does
but not for long


I used the leftovers of a new Scrapmatts packet of Flowers on this page


yup, love these types of leftovers


another new product are these baskets


gorgeous details (and there is actually a slit that you could add a card or flowers)

Another new product are these super yummy name plates


and I used the same design idea with an older piece to make another card


the “Happy” I heat embossed with different colours
love how it looks and just might use this technique again some time

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Saturday, February 18, 2012

The Daisies Have Shut Up Their Sleepy Red Eyes

Starting to scrap again
I tend to start off with quick, easy pages
Ones that require little think time
(because it usually takes me a while to get back into the groove)
I’ve been wanting to make a page for the Kraft It Up challenge
(because it’s my favourite)
this months challenge is to scrap about love and to use pink
so, inspired, I created this page


covered up part of The Crafters Workshop Chevron mask
and pulled out my red glimmer mist and my white Studio Calico mist
(because we all know red+white=pink)


I used some Scrapmatts leaves
(because they are new)


Story about the ladybird
(the wooden one not the live one)
Mum gave me a gift box for my birthday
(it contained my present)
and on top were MANY of the wooden ladybirds
so I thought I would use one on this page
Story about the ladybird
(the live one not the wooden one)


‘tis true you know
Back tomorrow
with some more creations
and some more new Scrapmatts products

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