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Sunday, February 19, 2012

The Sun Is On My Side And Takes Me For A Ride

Do you like leftovers?
Our fridge barely sees them
but my scrap table does
but not for long


I used the leftovers of a new Scrapmatts packet of Flowers on this page


yup, love these types of leftovers


another new product are these baskets


gorgeous details (and there is actually a slit that you could add a card or flowers)

Another new product are these super yummy name plates


and I used the same design idea with an older piece to make another card


the “Happy” I heat embossed with different colours
love how it looks and just might use this technique again some time

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  1. It's been a while since I have visited. Loving your sunflower layout. Oh to just scrapbook again. I can only dream that I will get back into it soon.

  2. Love the "Thanks bunches" card! the are really flowers and not paper right? Clever!

  3. Lovely projects!
    I especially adore the "Just a Note" card. To cute!


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