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Saturday, April 28, 2012

If The Band Slows Down We'll Yell For More

One of the great things about Cocoa Daisy is the supportive Design Team
And this shines through at crop time.
The team pulls together and shows support by creating layouts for various challenges that others host
I made a couple of support layouts and this is the first one


It’s for Anja’s challenge


and I used pieces from the May kit, along with bits from my stash


I love that there are Crafter’s Workshop stencils in the kit
and I love that I can use moulding paste to add some texture and depth


Did I mention that the Cocoa Daisy crop is loaded with inspiration?
I’m sure I would have, because… it is!!!

Pin It Now!


  1. Love it! This is all kinds of awesome! Such great texture and design.

  2. Another awesome creation.


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