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Monday, April 30, 2012

I’ve Been Driving for An Hour Just Talking To The Rain

Inspired by Kim’s challenge I made a canvas instead of a layout


The white is just for the photo
I really wanted to make the “breathe” to stick out
So its bigger than the canvas base it is on


I used papers from the May kits and these clouds from April


cut some butterflies to add dimension, texture


and movement


I also used the Crafter’s Workshop Blazonry 6x6 Stencil (that comes with the May kit)
and a number stencil


and layered up my dymo tape


Played lots with the canvas
Adding layers and textures

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  1. Sharmaine I love this canvas. It is so beautiful and such a perfect interpretation of the challenge. Your work this weekend was so so good. Loved your stuff!!!

  2. Love the movement the butterflies give.


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