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Sunday, April 22, 2012

We've Cried In The Darkness, We've Laughed In The Sun

Life certainly is all about circles
This week we’ve been sad with the news that Dave’s fabulous Great Aunt passed away after fighting cancer
Dave’s flying to Adelaide on Tuesday, with his Mum, for the funeral.
Then today we had joyous news that the newest Kruijver has arrived.
Dave’s youngest brother and our Sister In Law have just had a baby boy, as yet unnamed.
We hope to visit this new little man real soon!

I’ve another Scrapmatts layout to share with you


It’s simple
but I like that


I used a Ornate Frame 13


added some vellum
and turned it into a window


to hide the photo and journaling


and I funneled the journaling out of my head and onto the page.
Thankful for that.

Pin It Now!


  1. Hi you,
    yes, it is always like that. After darfkenss there is following sun. For one soul passing away there is another one to celebrate life on earth!
    Your LO is simply beautiful. It is always a real pleasure to come around and look at your wonderful art! Thank you for so many inspirations
    Hugs Myriam

  2. Sympathy from across the sea. This LO is VERY different and I see your reflectiveness in it. - Tall, taller tallest, they surely grow too fast!

  3. Love this LO, very clean and crisp.

  4. My condolences to you and your family. So sad to lose a loved one, such grief.
    Congratulations to you as you welcome a new baby to the family too, such a joy.

    And about your scrappiness, well it is all lovely. wonderful door/window over the photo, love it.
    Have a nice day! (((((hugs)))))


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And Dave, if you read this, I love you ooddles and ooddles :)