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Saturday, September 27, 2014

One Little Word - Fear

Sometimes words can scare you.
But sometimes they can set you free.
I love the One Little Word challenge
Because it allows words to inspire.


Sometimes words can be inside your head.
Sometime words can fill you head.
Sometimes we let those words fill our lives


Sometimes we need to let go of words.
Sometimes we need to hold on to words.
Sometimes we need to allow the right words to fill our lives.


Sometimes we need to hear words.
Sometimes we need to speak words.
Sometimes we need to feel words.

Sometimes it takes just one little word to open up a whole conversation.


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  1. Thank you for sharing this layout. I love it for so many reasons. I have been thinking a lot about storytelling through scrapbooking lately. I plan to tackle my pages a little differently soon enough. Your layout made my day :)

  2. such a beautiful page..x

  3. WOW - now that is powerful, I absolutely love love love it


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