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Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Jot Magazine Issue 10 - "The Best Name For A Zebra"

I love jotting down things I've overheard during the day.
A silly conversation.
A quote of the day.
Just things people say.
In Issue 10, of Jot Magazine,
There is a section of just such things.


I think I could write a whole series of books
Full of the funny things our kids have said.


These moments are why I scrapbook.
Capturing these words before they are gone and forgotten.


They are funny.
But they are also memories.


And that is just one of the reasons I think scrapbooking is important.
Sometimes we need to remember.


One day these memories will go from being funny things said
To something rather amazing.


What is the best name for a zebra?


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  1. Oh my ... when I saw the thumbnail of your post today all kinds of thoughts went through my head. Like: 'does Sharmaine know my zebra story?' and 'Wow, I guess I'm not the only person in the world to have scrapped a photo of a plastic zebra then'! I love your page ... for so many reasons! And .... do you know my zebra story? I wonder if your girls might like it too: http://notesonpaper.blogspot.co.uk/2010/07/more-about-zebra.html

    So excited to see another plastic zebra making it to a scrapbook page! how's that for a trend?! Julie :-)

  2. Fabulous, fabulous layout and story! Love your designs, paper choices and of course, the CD stamps! Also enjoyed Julie Kirk's story as well. Travel safe, little zebra.


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