The postman arrived.
We beat him to the door and the girls were excited to see
That the package he delivered contained "Bunchems".

But the box certainly had us intrigued and excited to create something fun.
The Mega Pack contains more than 400 pieces and a book of ideas.
There are 8 different colours to choose from

The plastic "burr" spheres stick together
(they reminded us of hair curlers)
and easily pull apart for more creating.
Got to love reusable craft supplies!!!
So you can make endless amounts of characters or creatures.
"If you can think it, you can create it with Bunchems"
Their imagination and creative construction skills
But also work on their fine motor skills
And engage in role play.
Bunchems do come with some warnings.
Not meant for children under 4 years of age
They are a choking hazard
They can get caught on loose clothing or hair.
The company have released a tutorial for what to do if this happens
The video can be viewed HERE
Because they are lots of fun and you can join in the creativity too!!
Bunchems certainly are a great way to spend time together
As a family or with friends.

No glue required
Just your imagination!
Our only criticism is that the accessory pack
Needed a pirate hat and eye patch!!
That would have made the pack complete!!
But all in all we all agreed

You can purchase them HERE
I received a Bunchems pack,
to use for review purposes,
and all opinions expressed are purely my own.
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