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Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Inspiration Comes In Many Forms

and I used this months colour focus at Banana Frog and created this


it’s a 6x12 page
I used a Superlicous stamp with versamark ink


and the words are from Retro Space stamps.


and the journaling :)


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Monday, July 26, 2010

Sometimes It Takes Time To Find Time

but when I find it I am using it!!
Today I finished off a little project I have been working on
Using the j'ai laissé mon coeur à Paris kit from QTea
It is one gorgeous kit and I wanted to do it justice and hope I did :)


Some close ups :)



Love that this kit inspired me to think outside my box and create something different to what I would normally create. It also inspired me to buy not 1 but 4 of these dress forms so you might just see another one altered soon :)

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Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Yellow Tulips

I just love Severine Sorbier’s  work
I love the simplicity of her layouts
You can see her work over on her flickr page
This is the page I was inspired to make


Love yellow Such Sweet Tierney buttons


and the butterflies…
Punched from some Starburst lolly wrappers
Cos I could :)
Oh and cos they were yellow ;)


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Monday, July 19, 2010

A Cupcake For You

And a cupcake for me…

A while ago I was reading my friend Ed’s blog and saw a cool bag she had made from an IKEA tea towel

When I saw the coloured spots and the cupcakes I thought straight away about some of the Banana Frog stamps ,that I have, and how perfect they would be to ‘lift’ the design on the tea towel.
So a stamping I did go


an created this page


You can read more about the ‘how to’s’ over on the Banana Frog blog, in this post
A close up of the journaling


and this cupcakey goodness


which was made with a fabric flower and fabric button from HERE and I simply added some pearls for some icing goodness :)

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Sunday, July 18, 2010

She Loves To Cook


and this afternoon, together with Dave, she made


They were delishy swishy!!!

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Tuesday, July 13, 2010


While we were away Megan decided to get her ears pierced
actually she had decided ages before that
BUT kept changing her mind
So on Jessica’s birthday we were browsing the shops
We went in to some pharmacies and asked how much etc
Arm ourselves with some more information to make some choices
and this is what she chose

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I used the photo and opportunity to scrap a page



you can see how I made the flower etc over on Suzie’s blog


and speaking of Love Scrappin’ Suzie has a clearance sale happening over there right now
20, 30 and even 40% off!! NICE!!

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Sunday, July 11, 2010

Finding Hearts

Love this
And this week we found one
A lovely heart shaped potato graced our kitchen sink


We also found another but this one was a better heart than the other :)

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Saturday, July 10, 2010


Just maybe
This will be the only snowman I see this winter???


Lucy made this gorgeous fellow this week at Kindergarten

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This One Goes Out To The One

Who looooooves chocolate


You know who you are!!!
Lucy and I went and had lunch with our pal Allison this week
We went to Cargo
We shared a chicken and brie pizza and followed that down with this yummy chocolate pizza
Was quite nice lol
That’s soft chocolate and cream you can see on top there
Spread it over your slice and say yum ;)

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Friday, July 09, 2010

Been Such A Long Time

since I took a sunrise photo
I have missed it
I love to watch the sun rise
And for that matter I love to watch it set too
This morning seemed to be the coldest so far but there wasn’t a thick frost like we have had
But lots of cold, grey cloud keeping the cold down
I took this photo on Wednesday morning


Sun rise
I’ve been missing you

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She’s Been Published!!


Back in February Lucy spent some of her birthday money to buy a Wiggles magazine
She decided to do a drawing of Dorothy the Dinosaur and together we typed up a letter and emailed it to Dorothy

Lucy's Wiggle Drawing

This week Lucy received a lovely letter back from Dorothy along with some decal stickers (which are now all over Lucy’s bedroom wall) and a copy of the magazine which contains Lucy’s drawing and letter (you can see it in the magazine, its the part in pink!!)
She was over the moon!!
She has taken the magazine and letter along for show and tell at kinder today :)
Loved her drawing then and love it now :)
This is what we wrote to Dorothy:

“Dear Dorothy
Hi! My name is Lucy and I just turned 5. For my birthday my Great Grandpa gave me some money. My Mummy and I went shopping and I bought the wiggle magazine and wanted to send you a picture I drew. The drawing is of you holding balloons. I like the colour pink and think you do too. I have 3 big sisters and wonder if you have any sisters (They edited this bit in the magazine). My Grandma has a rose garden and we all like to make Rosie Tea when we go visit her.

We also love watching the Wiggles when it is on tv and I love to dance and sing to all the songs. It’s fun.

Love from Lucy”

Dorothy replied saying yes she loved pink
Lucy loved that part of the letter :)

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Thursday, July 08, 2010

I Will Be Here


Tasmania's Craft & Quilt Fair
Derwent Entertainment Centre, Hobart

Friday to Sunday, July 9 - 11 2010
Open 10am to 4pm daily
Visit www.craftfair.com.au for more information

For a while
From about 11.30
Helping out at the stall for KSK

If you are there too please pop over and say hi :)

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Best Man

He truly is :)
Not long after we got home from our holiday
Dave’s youngest brother rang
Asking Dave to be Best Man at his wedding
Dave said yes and not long after they went suit shopping
Here is a sneak of what Dave will look like come November :)


sigh and swoon :)

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Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Toy Story 3

My sister rang, last week, to say she was taking her 2 to see Toy Story 3
So Lucy and I went along for the fun too :)


The 3 little people were good and we were pleasantly surprised when we saw the whole movie!
It’s always good to spend time with them!
Very good movie too ;)

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World Cup Fever Turns You Orange


But only if you are a little Dutch and a little Dorky!!
We haven’t been watching all of the World Cup but have seen some matches and hightlights
When Holland made it through to the Semi finals Dave cracked open the wardrobe
and pulled out his Dutch soccer top
sigh… you can guess the rest lol
I am writing this post on Monday afternoon
Before the semi finals
the post will go live Wednesday morning
So the week will tell as to whether or not there will be more orange happening in our house lol

We were awake in time to see The Netherlands score their 3rd goal in the semi finals
Tuesday morning we were awake early because Elizabeth had a tummy bug
Thankfully no action through Tuesday night/Wednesday morning so it was a pleasant surprise to get a full nights sleep and awake in time to watch some of the game :)
I’m still flu-y, as we all seem to be, but hoping that there are no more icky bugs heading our way :)

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Tuesday, July 06, 2010

I Like Yellow Tulips


Dave surprised me with these
He went out to get us some dinner and a DVD, a little while back,
and came home with these as well
I’m not complaining :)
I do think that yellow tulips are my favourite though

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Someone Had A Birthday


Was a couple of weeks ago now but can you guess who??!!


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Monday, July 05, 2010

Sovereign Hill

A trip to Granma’s almost always means going to work with her
She is a volunteer at Sovereign Hill and the girls are always more than happy to dress up and help her while she is at work


This year they went a couple of times
Once while Dave and I were in Brisbane and again with us
To say the girls enjoy it would be a gross understatement lol





there is always much of this


It would be interesting to see their photos turning up on the other side of the world, being shown off as part of someone’s holiday snaps lol
This year the girls also got to have some time in the school house


this is normally where the school groups go so our girls were lucky enough to be able to have a look and a play :)


Yes I think Grandma likes having some little people to work with her ;)

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Wildlife Park

While with Grandma we took the girls to the Ballarat Wildlife Park
They were thrilled to feed the kangaroos


and squealed when the kangaroos tried to help themselves to the food


Lucy didn’t want anything to do with the kangaroos until we had been there for over an hour
but got brave near the end and patted them


she will now happily tell you that kangaroos are her favourite animal lol
Elizabeth, on the other hand, couldn’t get enough of the animals and walked around saying how cool it all was
She just loves animals


You could be fooled into thinking we only saw kangaroos lol
But there were MANY things to see
The girls even had the opportunity to get up close to a koala
Elizabeth had to hold the leaves so he would stay near them, while some photos were taken
Her little face was priceless :)
I used the Scout’s Honour kit from QTea to make this page to remember the time


was happy happy happy to spy this little koala on a page in the kit


did the journaling sideways, for something different
so here it is around the right way so you can read it :)


and see the jute circles?


I wanted to show you how easy they were to make
I used some scrap cardstock and punched out some circles


covered these with glue


cut about 70-80cm of string
knotted one end and placed the knot in the middle of the circle


then started to wind the string around itself


adding more glue as I went


I also added some string around the chipboard that frames the title
Nice way to add texture to the page :)

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