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Friday, November 04, 2011

Sister Susie Sitting On A Thistle!

Another hybrid page to share


using the Folky Fall kit


from Tracy Martin Scrapbook Designs 
The kit comes with these papers


I printed the square dotty one onto masking tape, using this technique


I gave some paper dimension


and I typed up the story, to go with the photos from my phone


I think this owl journal spot would be perfect for bookmarks.. do you agree??
Might have to print and laminate a couple for Christmas presents.. Keep you posted on that one!
I also used some of the scraps and made a quick birthday card, using Basic Grey alpha stickers


Been a long day
Worked in canteen today
Dave also hired a trailer and now has all the ingredients for a day of concreting in the backyard
The weekend is looking jam packed with lots happening
Hope to share those happenings with you soon
What are you up to on the weekend?

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  1. This page is beautiful. I love that you've used the digi elements to print out to do hybrid. And on to the masking tape too! The way you type your journalling using a real typewriter is soooo authentic. I love that! I'm going to check out those digi papers xox

  2. what a neat page. nicely done! that digi set so cute. i love the babushka's and mushrooms. i bought some thickers yesterday that look a lot like those letters.
    Jake and i got up yesterday and junk shopping for a vintage sink for my art studio. we ended up in Austin to see my son. it's been a great weekend. just went by so fast so far.


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