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Sunday, November 06, 2011

We’re Gonna Have A Good Time

What did you do today?
Bet you didn’t do what we did!
We got to play on this


and so did some other people


Today Dave threw a Almost 40 days till 40 party.
For me.
yep it is 47 days till I turn 40.
So what did you do today?
wish you had been there
was a good day
Or in the words of a 6 year old “BEST PARTY EVER”
Couldn’t have said it better myself
Thanks Dave for being the best husband ever
and for knowing how to organise the best party ever
Oh and it wasn’t a kids only zone either
There were quiet a few umm older folk who took on Sponge Bob and won!
Pin It Now!


  1. well in that case.. happy 47 days to go day to you!!!

    that looks super awesome and so much fun... and just quietly i would DEFINATELY been on that jumping dodah.. looks superb.....

  2. Good on you Dave for throwing a party for Sharmaine. That's no mean feat! So glad you had fun. More pics please!

  3. oh how fun! Happiest almost 40 to you, my friend! what a great idea. i love the sponge bob slide. i may have to steal Daves idea for a grown up party!


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