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Saturday, January 07, 2012

They Could Not Communicate How Much They Wanna Say

As promised I’m back with some photos of my reorganised scrap space
First I want to show you how my space HAS been
This was it back in May 2009

then in May 2011


Please note all the things being stored under the table
Please note all the snaplock bags that make great (and cheap) storage solutions
And now…

Drumroll please lol
My scrap space January 2012


Please note all the ROOM under the table
Dave added a desk so I now have more room
My sewing machine has been sitting out on my table for quite a while
and now it has a spot all to itself


Please note the new drawers
Goodbye snaplock bags (although I still use them to separate different things)


Loving the extra table room
and thought I might make a little video to show you some of the things that are within my space
Will share that once I’ve made it

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  1. Looks great Sharmaine..maybe you should come and organise me room too...LOL it is always a mess..

  2. i cannot believe how similar we are...LOL...i have the same table and my desk looks like yours did back in 2009 but i have a big cane trunk under my desk with albums that hold LO's...and i have the same computer chair...how funny is that!

  3. it looks so good! Nothing like a clear space to get the mojo flowing.

  4. Great job!
    Mine still looks like your first pics, but with a little less on my plate this year I will be inspired now to purge and clean :-)
    Btw, LOVE your banner!

  5. just thought i would leave a il comment, been following ur blog for a while now.
    bet it feels good to have reorganised everything..... i spent nye doing mine, but i should have taken pics before like u did. funny thing is when i sat down to do my first lo after my reorganisatiion it took me a while to remember where i moved things to... haha

  6. Hey I LOOOOVVVVEEEE this new space. Hooray for Dave setting up a new desk and HOOORRAAYY for you setting up a system. It's just soooo cool. And to think I might get to see it soon!!! Oohh. That space looks seriously inviting. I love how the pattern paper is right near the desk so you could just reach out. I practically need an earth mover to access my paper box LOL!!


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