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Tuesday, January 08, 2008

If I was a toilet roll...

I wonder what I would think... this was yesterday

and this today...

If you don't know what I am talking about, we have a daughter who likes to rearrange the spare toilet rolls. This is the fourth time they have been found rearranged since I started photographing them, which was 30th Dec. So after weeks of this happening I decided to document the movement of the rolls. When I find them I put them all back 'flat' on the ledge, so they can't be bumped off. Is interesting seeing all this happen...
Today I scrapped, in little spurts, while the girls played and occupied themselves.

Hoping to have a visit from a friend and her 2 boys tomorrow afternoon, but apart from that we have to go to the fruit shop and the library. Just enjoying the lay backness of the holidays :)
Thanks for visiting.
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  1. wat a familiar story about the toilet rolls. My daughter like to use one each day....;-) I almost buy a new package every 4 days!

  2. that's so funny!!!

  3. Some day she is going to look back at these photos and laugh. How cute that is.

  4. Congrats on the catwalk! That apricot sooo deserved it its adorable!!! Thats so funny about the tp!

  5. tp...lol
    Things get moved in my house too, something about changing things makes my kid happy.
    Love those LOs!

  6. Haha ! These toilet paper roll have a more adventurous life than I do !
    I love your new los, specially the orange one (and yet I don't like orange !)

  7. Hilarious! I had a nephew that would switch the roll to go over (instead of under) on the holder, every time he went to potty. LOL!

    Your scrappiness looks Good! :)

  8. loving the layouts! I really like the apricots one! I tagged you by the way, go read my blog!

  9. ahhh I saw that layout on sistv. Great colors. Love it!


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