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Sunday, April 26, 2009

Lunch With Dad and Photos From Facebook

Today Dave had soccer, so the girls and I went and had lunch with Poppy.
He cooked us roast lamb so we were all glad we went ;)

Last time we were there I had wished I had taken my camera, just so I could have some photos for Mum when she gets home. So today I went with my camera :)

I have uploaded the photos on Facebook, so I don't eat into my blogger photo limit again. It's worked, happy with that lol, and here are the photos I took today at Mum and Dad's.

So that's that.
Meant to snow again this week, will take some photos of the mountain if it does!!
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  1. Love those flowers. Now I need to head over to FB to see the rest of the pics.

  2. OMYGOSH!!! Those are BEAUTIFUL! :):):):):):):):)

  3. Beautiful flowers... Love the pink one. Do you know its name?


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