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Sunday, December 04, 2011

Review–Fisher Price 1-2-3 Crawl-Along Snail

I just love taking our kids to the toy store
Watching their faces as they find a favourite toy
or see something new
I love stores where you can feel comfortable enough to press the buttons on the noisy toys
This week I received a Fisher-Price 1-2-3 Crawl-Along Snail as part of Product Talk by Nuffnang


I was hoping it would be delivered while I had some toddlers around to ‘test’ it out
But that wasn’t to be
But after the week we have had this toy added some spark to a little girls day
I love the tunes that the toy plays and with 2 volume settings AND an off switch
it made me wonder why more toys don’t come with them!


The toy has a cute giggle and plays 3  short tunes, including “If your happy and you know it”
The lady bird on top slides across the top of the snail for some added movement
The mirror is also a great addition
I love it when little kids discover their reflection
and because the snail can be locked into a stationary position
it means a baby can lie or sit and look at itself and become aware of themselves
When the snail isn’t in the lock position it is great for the crawler
A baby can chase it around the room and tap it along to make it move some more
The toy is bright, loud and fun
just perfect for the recommended 3-36 month age group
It comes with batteries, which is ALWAYS helpful
The packaging was also ‘parent friendly’
There is a perforated hole to punch from the back of the box
and then 2 simple ‘locks’ to untwist and wow the snail is free!
Gotta love it when the packaging isn’t a nightmare lol

Until the 16th of December Fisher and Price are having a 2 giveaways on their Facebook Page
The first is where you can win a toy pack (purchase is required)
The other is where you can vote in the community giving giveaway,
so a kindergarten or child care centre can win a prize pack

Disclosure: This is not a paid sponsored post. I received complimentary Fisher-Price 1-2-3 Crawl-Along Snail for review purposes and all opinions expressed are purely my own.

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