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Saturday, January 14, 2012

I've Learned How To Leave It Where It Is

Dave sanded the kitchen table legs

and then we painted them

I cooked the yummiest roast lamb with potatoes from our garden
It was gone before I could snap a photo

I was a bit quicker with our dessert though

what did you get up to today?

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  1. I like how the table came out. Very nice.

    As far as my day, it is just beginning, but yesterday....I was able to have a nice workout and a lunch out with friends at Dean & Deluca. Such an interesting place, I could have spent all day there if we didn't have to go pick up paychecks and get her back to work. :-)

    Hope your tomorrow is just as nice as today.


  2. Oh the table looks wonderful and dessert YUMMY!!!

    Today has been football day in our house.....so the fire is burning, the hubby is flipping TV stations and all is good!!!

    Wishing you a wonderful day!!!


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