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Monday, June 23, 2014

Guesting for Mei Li Paperie–Inspired By Challenge

As a guest for Mei Li Paperie I was thrilled
To be able to create something for their “inspired by” challenge
I used some of the Mei Li Paperie packaging
(the products were packed in a gorgeous blue paper bag).
I snipped some of the perforation edge to create the banners.
I used some orange water colour paint to alter the Heidi Swapp paper
I was totally inspired by the scribbles and patterns that the challenge picture contained
So used the cool Basic Grey paper and added some pencil scribbles.
My page
And what it was inspired by
You can read all about the challenge HERE


The lovely ladies at Mei Li Paperie have
Given me a discount code for you to use on your purchases.
Use the discount code 4squirts to receive 20% off (ends 1 July 2014).
Don’t forget that Mei Li Paperie offer FREE worldwide shipping on orders over $50.

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  1. Lovely photos. I really like the scribbles around the edges.

  2. Wow -- the colors in the layout really are stunning, making the title ever-so-perfectly chosen. Thanks for your comment on my blog re: Two Peas closing. It's a sad day.


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