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Thursday, May 11, 2006

Busy Day

but pretty typical. Dropped Megan and Jessica of at school, grocery shopping, home to unpack, morning tea for Elizabeth and Lucy, put groceries away, washing on the clothes horses, back to pick up Jessica, home for lunch, Lucy to bed, stack dishwasher, clean up, back to pick up Megan and home again...
Other than that... Grandma arrives tonight, YAY, till Saturday. We have made up the spare bed in Jessica's room. Megan and Jessica became suspicious so I said Daddy was going to sleep in there, he said it was because of all the bottom noises. Jessica said yuck so I said I would sleep in there instead. She went to bed saying she didn't want anyone to sleep in there. She will change her mind in the morning when Grandma is discovered beneath the sheets!!!
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