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Wednesday, January 03, 2007

A 'light' post

hmmmmmmmm got ya thinking?? Just going to use point form for this post. The day in Hi-LIGHTS and Lo-LIGHTS, yeah I know that should be HIGH AND LOWS but hey its my life and I say Hi and Lo, so thats what it is okay... lol
*no mail AT ALL again today
*tomorrow must be parcel day!
*Its been hot
*I got to use the air conditioner again (had to look in the manual again too lol)
*Ran out of fruit
*shhhh don't tell anyone but Lucy and I shared the first of our apricots this arvo and it wasn't quite ready but very yummy!
*The girls were absolute terrors while I was on the phone
*Got to talk to Bron on the phone!!!!!!!!!!!!
*parcel didn't arrive so I don't get to organise my scrap stuff
*Allison is having a scrap day on Saturday!!!!!!
*Went supermarket shopping
*got some yum ice cream for Dave and I to share
*Am hot and sweaty from the heat, my day and shopping
*About to go have a bath!!!

So I spose without the negatives the positives wouldn't feel so good!
Just my thought for the day :)
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