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Saturday, January 21, 2012

Beneath Our Radiant Southern Cross

This Thursday, 26th January, is Australia Day
Celebrating all things Australian
Like vegemite

Like kids in backyards

like sunshine and blue water

like playing in the park

like watching our kids grow up in an amazing country

This Thursday all 614 Bakers Delight bakeries, across Australia, are giving away mini Cheesymites
You don’t need to purchase anything
Just drop in and collect one of their delicious, and fresh, cheesymites

and if that isn’t enough incentive to visit I have 4 $5 vouchers to giveaway
Leave a comment on this post, telling me you want to enter
Entries will close 9am (Tasmania Time) Tuesday morning (24th January) and I will draw the 4 winners not long after that
Australian entries only and please make sure you have a Bakers Delight Bakery nearby so you can use the voucher.
I will email the 4 winners and once I have your address I will mail out the voucher.
Make sure you leave your email address (so I can contact you if you win)

I have a story to go with Cheesymites
I’m hoping to scrap that story and share it with you soon

Disclosure: This is not a paid sponsored post. I received 6 complimentary mini cheesymite scrolls, a loaf of bread and 4 sacks. Also 4x$5 vouchers for giveaway purposes. All opinions expressed are purely my own.

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  1. sam brokman12:02 AM

    hello yes i would like to win some. samtheballoontwister@gmail.com

  2. Ooh yes please I'd like to enter!
    I love your take on Australia day - kids in backyard CUTE!!!

  3. oh, so there's no ticket to Tasmania included in this contest? sheesh!!! LOL!!!

    luckily for me, there are recipes for cheesymites on the internet! I am local food curious!!! off to bake!!!

    : .)

    happy weekend!

  4. You sure did manage to capture the Aussie spirit in those gorgeous photos! Vegemite is a staple in any Aussie's diet - my son just started solids and he loves a Vegemite sandwich....although truth be told I am a little sick of picking up chewed up Vegemite bread! ha ha ha

  5. Anonymous8:48 PM

    My kids would love to enter the cheesy mite competition. They love them. I would prefer them made with Promite... maybe i should approach them to see if they would like my secret recipe. If we won the $5 voucher we would buy date scones. They are our fav's.

  6. Anonymous10:11 PM

    ooh we are baker's die hards here...{I go out of my way to oneplace that make teh CHEESY cheesymite rolls}...yum...

    and you know, if I dont get drawn out I feel like a winner already....cos we're going to be happy vegemites getting our complimentary mini cheesy mite roll Australia Day... thanks for the heads up ;)
    Kerry x

  7. I am assuming I am ineligible :(


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