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Thursday, January 19, 2012

Jumping Up And Down With His Pants On Fire

Today we spent the day with the M&Ms (and their mum)
We spent the morning at a school holiday activity
Where the girls got to make a “Bush Puppet”
Using paper bags, paper scraps and bits, like leaves twigs etc
They were able to make a native animal of their choosing
So we ended up with





Megan also made an owl but gave it to the lady, who took the morning, to say thank you.
Do you have a favourite native animal?
Do you have a favourite animal that is native to a country different to your own?

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  1. Cute! I like this idea to keep the kids entertained!

  2. These are so creative. I will share with my teacher friends.

  3. WOW!! Your girls are so creative!! They have done fantastic jobs on their puppets! My fav native animal would have to be the Green Tree Frog - I have lots of (fake) frogs scattered around my house. And my favourite non native animal is definitely the giraffe, I saw these in the Zoo in Hawaii for the first time a few year back, and i could have spent all day watching them in their enclosure!!


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