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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

I've Had My Share Of Sand Kicked In My Face

Thanks to all who entered the Bakers Delight Giveaway
The four winners were Sam, Louella, Kerry and Debbie.
the winners are about to receive an email in their inbox
and the vouchers will soon be on the way to the lucky winners.

As promised a page about Cheesymites
It’s a page that talks about new memories and old memories


I used scraps that were still sitting on my neglected desk
Papers from Tracy Martin Scrapbook Designs 


the cool button you see there, it’s from Chic Tags 


the gorgeous yellow flower is from Greatest View


this button was a plain wooden one
I used a 7gypsies rub on to alter it
and the journaling


Don’t forget Bakers Delight are giving away mini cheesymites in all stores on Australia Day.
What new memories have you had that spark old ones??
Are you documenting them?

Pin It Now!


  1. What a great story! We can totally relate re speech therapy - I plan to start taking Angus again this year. The layout is speesh

  2. this is a great layout, Sharmaine.
    great journaling. are the title letters Thickers?

  3. Hi Sandra, yes they are Thickers. They are Amy Tangerine ones. The font is Lovely, the colour is Straw and they are rubber/foam.

  4. takes a bite..."yes! cheezy!" but that vitaminy flavor. can't quite tell if its Australian or British!! heh!!!

    cute LO Sharmaine!!! love that face more than the cheezymites!

    : .)

  5. Anonymous7:46 PM

    ooh thankyou so much for my email today...I got it at work...you made my day :) thaks again for the giveaway

    and I <3 your page ;)

    Nothing like some vegemite to make me feel patriotic


    Kerry x

  6. Cute layout and cute story! I My mom always got my lucozade when I'm ill and I always crave it when I'm sick now!

  7. Thank you so much for my prize!! That layout is just GORGEOUS!! I love your journalling on it!! And I am in love with that yellow felt flower!! So darn cute!!

  8. Wow, those cheesymites look yummy!! Wonderful layout, Sharmaine. Love what you did with the button and the rub on!



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