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Thursday, March 15, 2012

As The Years Go By And We Grow Old And Grey

Today was the international gallery reveal at Cocoa Daisy
I love all the bits and pieces that came with the March kits
Have story to go with each of my layouts so I thought I would give each page it’s own blog post
So the first page


When I purchased my Silhouette Cameo I knew that the first thing I wanted to cut was a big ‘&’
so for this page I did just that


I had scanned the photo booth photo
and then altered it so the photo strips went across the page rather than up and down


Love the camera brad from Fisherman’s Wharf add on


and the story that adds life to the photos


Love the red + brown combo
Back later with my next layout with a completely different colour combination

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1 comment:

  1. I like it...it´s a very funny Lo, I will try somthing like this.tks


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