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Thursday, March 29, 2012

Purple Haze All In My Brain

Green and Purple
who’d have thought
But I think it works


as does texture paste and stencils


And yes you read right
Not purple is the title for this green layout


Here’s why…


So now everywhere we go we have to stop and look at something green she has spied
True fact!

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  1. Sharmaine, practicing color theory unknowingly! for some reason, that makes me giggle!!! "she's an artist and doesn't know it!...how modest is that?"

    I love it all! your talent, the photo, the layout, awesome!

    happy Thursday!!!

    : .)

  2. Yes, the colours work quite well! Gorgeous layout . . . really highlights the photo perfectly! x

  3. nice green

  4. I love the way you used the colours in the layout to help tell the story! Very cool texture in the dots/inking.

  5. great story of purple/green. Green is an awesome color for sure then. All the best to you and yours! Hope your Easter was filled with Joy and blessings <3
    Rose Ann


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