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Saturday, January 11, 2014


Do you like yoghurt?
Growing up I didn’t.
IF I had to have it you better make it strawberry flavour or I wouldn’t like it.
Fast forward a couple of decades…
When our kids were little they would usually have yoghurt for desert,
It was a great way to get the calcium into them.
Fast forward to now….
I have Greek yoghurt with fruit and a handful of cereal every morning.
Our kids have all kinds of yoghurt on their cereal too.
So when I was asked if I’d like to review the new Jalna products
I knew it would be something we’d be keen to do.
Jalna are a name that I knew and a name that I knew meant good quality yoghurt,
Made by a family owned Australian company.
“Jalna (pronounced with the J) spells “yoghourt” the original way
Because it makes yoghourt the original way;
Naturally set in the pot with no additives. “

Released in December 2013 was the new Sweet & Creamy Greek Yoghurt.

Jalna Sweet&Creamy

Now don’t go thinking that “Sweet” means it is packed with added cane sugar or artificial sweeteners
Because Jalna products have no gums, starches, gluten, gelatine, stabilisers,
Preservatives, colours or acidifiers.
The “Sweet” in “Sweet & Creamy” is lightly sweetened with fruit juice.
And it must be lightly because you can’t taste anything but the gorgeous yoghurt yumminess!
The yoghurt is delicious and creamy.
And gets a big thumbs up from here!

The other exciting new thing from Jalna
Is their snack size “Citrus Splice”

I just loved the inspiration behind this one:
”A throwback to that famous 1980’s pairing of citrus and cream
That conjures up memories of walking to the corner store on a hot summer’s day”

Now don’t go thinking it is going to be too tart because oh my goodness!
It was good!!
It was like a lemon sherbet only yoghurt!
We all sampled this one and we all agreed it was delicious!!!
And you can’t disagree with a kid who would have yoghurt over anything else
(well except custard, cos that’s her number 1!)

Jalna Sweet and Creamy (RRP $6.00 for 1kg) is available
at Independent retailers, Coles and Woolworth’s nationally.
Jalna Citrus Splice (RRP $1.98 for 200g) is available
at Independent retailers and Woolworth’s nationally.
For further recipe ideas visit www.jalna.com.au.

Disclosure: This is not a paid sponsored post.
I received a voucher to purchase the 2 tubs of yoghurt , for review purposes,
and all opinions expressed are purely my own.


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