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Monday, April 14, 2014

Jot Mood Board–Knitted Jumper

Jot Magazine’s April Mood Board brought back memories of when I turned 13.


My Dad took me shopping. We bought light pink jeans and a light grey windcheater.
I also got some light grey sneakers with light pink trim
And I'm pretty sure there were grey and pink bangles as well.
The colours also inspired this layout of a new generation of light grey clothing.


All Lucy wanted for her birthday was a knitted jumper.
One with something on the front.


Thankfully we found a cute jumper for her, she was very happy!

Make sure you check out the challenge.
See how it inspires you.


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  1. Love this!! THe splatters, design, it's all fab!!

  2. I love this Sharmaine and what a great story about you and your pink/grey shopping with your dad when you turned 13!! KIM

  3. Love the story behind this page Sharmaine and you've scrapped it so beautifully! Love all the little details!


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